report(s) found: 479
Center: Water Resources Division x

Assessment of electrical power generation and water desalination plants /


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  El Sayed, Essam.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Desalination ,  Electricity generation ,  Fresh water ,  القيمة المادية للمحطات ,  توليد الطاقة بالبخار ,  توليد الطاقة بالتربينات البخارية ,  التحلية بالتطاير الفجائي ,  الأداء الفني والاقتصادي ,  Principal assets survey. ,  Steam power units. ,  Gas turbine units. ,  Multistage flash units. ,  Techno- economic performance.

Project(s):  Assessment of Electrical Power Generation and Water Desalination Plants

Project code:  WT 023C

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Hydrogeological assessment of the AZ-ZAQLAH depression for artificial recharge,


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, A.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Seawater ,  مياة صرف معالجة; تخزين المياة; مياة جوفية; مكمن مجموعة الكويت; دراسة جدوي ,  Treated wastewater, water storage, groundwater, Kuwait group aquifer, feasibility study

Project(s):  Hydrogeological Assessment of the Az-Zaqlah Depression for Artificial Recharge

Project code:  WM 034C

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Evaluation of groundwater contamination from sewage network in Kuwait city /


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Akber, Adnan.

Subject(s):  Sewerge ,  Hydrogen sulfide ,  Sewerg ,  Hydrogen sulfide ,  Groudwater Quality ,  Groudwater Quality ,  Hydrogen ,  Urban groundwater quality ,  Contamination ,  Microbiological ,  Water table rise ,  كبريتيد الهيدروجين ,  نوعية المياة تحت السطحية ,  التلوث ,  ارتفاع منسوب المياه تحت السطحية

Project(s):  Evaluation of Urban Groundwater Contamination from the Sewage Network in Kuwait City

Project code:  WM 020C

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Tracer study of Groundwater flow system in Kuwait./


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Drilling ,  Wells ,  Water filtration ,  Fresh water ,  Dammam Formation. ,  Kuwait group. ,  Bromide. ,  Fluorescein. ,  Rhodamine. ,  Isotope. ,  Aquifer hydrology. ,  Groundwater Quality. ,  تكوين الدمام ,  مجموعة الكويت ,  البروميد ,  الفلورسين ,  الرودامين ,  النظير ,  هيدرولوجيا المكامن ,  نوعية المياه الجوفية

Project(s):  Tracer Study of Groundwater Flow System in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 041C

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Treatment of oil-produced saline water for cost-effective water recovery and its sustainable use (Phase I) /


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  El Sayed, Essam.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water treatment ,  Salt water ,  Energy ,  فصل الأملاح ,  تقطير ,  تناضح عكسي ,  فلترة نانومترية ,  تجميد ,  خروج بدون سوائل ,  ربط بين النظم ,  محلول ملحي مركز

Project(s):  Treatment of Oil-Produced Saline Water for Cost-Effective Water Recovery and its Sustainable Use (Phase-I)

Project code:  WT 019C

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Impacts of oil refineries on groundwater quality and levels, Kuwait /


KISR Report

Amendment/ Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Murad, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Oil Refineries ,  Underground water ,  Soil ,  Soil contamination ,  النماذج الرياضية ,  التلوث النفطي ,  برنامج علاجي ,  Numerical modeling. ,  Oil contamination. ,  remedial program.

Project(s):  Impacts of Oil Refineries on Groundwater Quality and Levels, Kuwait

Project code:  WM 021C

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Development of a wastewater quality database and assessment of effluent quality for potential reuse in Kuwait /


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Shahalam, Abu Al Bashar.

Subject(s):  Database ,  Wastewater ,  Sewage ,  Samples ,  مياه صرف صحي ,  مياه صرف صناعية ,  مياه صرف معالجة ,  مقاييس النوعية ,  متغيرات النوعية ,  موجهات ,  قوانين ,  Wastewater ,  Industrial wastewater. ,  Treated wastewater. ,  Quality criteria. ,  Qulity parameters. ,  Guidelines. ,  Regulations.

Project(s):  Development of a Wastewater Quality Database and Assessment of Effluent Quality for Potential Reuse in Kuwait

Project code:  WT 013C

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Long-term monitoring and remediation plan for hydrocarbon pollutants in the groundwater of raudhatain and umm Al-aish fields /


KISR Report

Amendment/ Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Akber, Adnan.

Subject(s):  Contaminants ,  Underground water ,  Wells ,  UV ,  سقوط الأمطار ,  آبار مراقبة ,  ملوثات هيدروكربونية ,  نمذجة رقمية ,  تقييم ,  أحواض ,  Rainfall ,  Monitoring Wells ,  Hydrocarbon pollutants. ,  Numerical modeling. ,  Assessment. ,  Depressions.

Project(s):  Long-Term Monitoring and Remediation Strategy for Hydrocarbon Pollutants in the Groundwater of Raudhatain and Umm Al-Aish Fields

Project code:  WM 016C

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Nitrogen and Phosphorus Reduction/Removal from RO reject wastewater :


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Shahalam, Abu Al Bashar.

Subject(s):  Salinization ,  Waste Water ,  Nitrogen compounds ,  Phosphorus ,  عمليات ,  تشغيل ,  تحاليل ,  Processes ,  Operation ,  Analysis

Project(s):  Nitrogen and Phosphorus Reduction/Removal from RO Reject Wastewater

Project code:  WT 018C

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Feasibility of non-submerged membrane bioreactor system for municipal wastewater treatment /


KISR Report

Amendment/ Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Shammari, Saud.

Subject(s):  Sewage ,  Treatment ,  Water ,  Chemical analysis ,  Activated sludge. ,  Biomass. ,  Ultrafiltration ,  حمأه نشطه ,  كتله حيويه ,  مرشحات فائقة الدقه

Project(s):  Feasibility of a Non-Submerged Membrane Bioreactor System for Municipal Wastewater Treatment

Project code:  WT 009C

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Performance evaluation of Riqqa secondary treatment system


KISR Report

Revised Final Report

Contributor(s):  Abusam, Abdullah.

Subject(s):  Wastewater ,  Wastewater ,  Activated ,  Activated ,  Wastewater ,  activated sluge model No.1 ,  (ASM1) ,  Predictions of system performance ,  Nonpotable applications ,  مياه صرف ,  استقراء أداء النظام ,  نموذج الحمأة المنشطة الأول ,  تطبيقات أخرى غير الشرب

Project(s):  Performance Evaluation of Riqqa Secondary Treatment System

Project code:  WT 020C

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Evaluation of quantity and quality of groundwater seepage to Kuwait bay


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Fadlelmawla, Amr.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Underground water ,  Marine environment ,  Contaminants ,  Reservoirs ,  النظائر ,  الراديوم ,  تلوث المياه الجوفية ,  آبار مراقبة ,  Tidal prism. ,  Isotopes. ,  Radium. ,  Groundwater pollution. ,  Tidal prism. ,  Monitoring Wells.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Quantity and Quality of Groundwater Seepage to Kuwait Bay

Project code:  WM 019C

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