عدد النتائج: 3
المركز: Environmental and Earth Sciences Division x

المشروع: Preliminary Assessment of Chemical Hazards in Kuwait x

Preliminary assessment of chemical hazards in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

المساهمون:  Finnecy E. E.

الموضوعات:  Chemical hazard. Industrial inventory. Regulations. Hazard assessment. Contingency planning.

المشروعات:  Preliminary Assessment of Chemical Hazards in Kuwait

رمز المشروع:  EES 59

عرض الملف

Preliminary assessment of chemical hazards in Kuwait


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

المساهمون:  El-Baroudi, H.

الموضوعات:  Hazardous chemicals. Assessment. Safety measures and regulations. Management.

المشروعات:  Preliminary Assessment of Chemical Hazards in Kuwait

رمز المشروع:  EES 59

عرض الملف

Preliminary assessment of chemical hazards in Kuwait


KISR Report


المساهمون:  Finnecy E. E.

الموضوعات:  Hazardous chemicals. Assessment. Safty measures and regulations.

المشروعات:  Preliminary Assessment of Chemical Hazards in Kuwait

رمز المشروع:  EES 59

عرض الملف