عدد النتائج: 2
المركز: Food Resources Division x

المشروع: Impact Assessment of the Crisis on the Animal Production Industry in Kuwait x

Impact assessment of the crisis on the animal production industry in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

المساهمون:  Al-Awadi, A.

الموضوعات:  Damages. Livestock. Poultry.

المشروعات:  Impact Assessment of the Crisis on the Animal Production Industry in Kuwait

رمز المشروع:  Food 5

عرض الملف

Impact assessment of the crisis on the animal production industry in Kuwait


KISR Report


المساهمون:  Razzaque, M. A.

الموضوعات:  Crisis. Impact. Animal production. Kuwait . Damages. Assessment. Sheep. Cattle. Poultry. Animal health. Restoration.

المشروعات:  Impact Assessment of the Crisis on the Animal Production Industry in Kuwait

رمز المشروع:  FOOD 5

عرض الملف