عدد النتائج: 2
المركز: Food Resources Division x

المشروع: Preliminary Assessment of the Agro-Food Industry in The State of Kuwait x

Preliminary assessment of the agro-food industry in the State of Kuwait


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

المساهمون:  Dheir, B. A.

الموضوعات:  Agro-food industry. Food security. Processing technology.

المشروعات:  Preliminary Assessment of the Agro-Food Industry in The State of Kuwait

رمز المشروع:  BT 33

عرض الملف

Preliminary assessment of the agro-food industry in the State of Kuwait


KISR Report


المساهمون:  Dheir, B. A.

الموضوعات:  Agro-food industry. Food security. Processing technology.

المشروعات:  Preliminary Assessment of the Agro-Food Industry in The State of Kuwait

رمز المشروع:  BT 33

عرض الملف