عدد النتائج: 1
المركز: Food Resources and Marine Sciences Division x

المشروع: Assessment of BIS (2-Ethylhexyl)-Phthalte Migration in Polythlene Terephthalate Bottled Water/ x

Assessment of BIS (2-Ethylhexyl)-Phthalte Migration in Polythlene Terephthalate Bottled Water


KISR Report

Technical Report

المساهمون:  Al Ati, T.

الموضوعات:  plastic bottled water ,  spectrophotometer fluorescent ,  GC/MS

المشروعات:  Assessment of BIS (2-Ethylhexyl)-Phthalte Migration in Polythlene Terephthalate Bottled Water/

رمز المشروع:  FB 031G

عرض الملف