عدد النتائج: 5
المركز: Food Resources and Marine Sciences Division x

المشروع: Eco-Friendly Essential Oils of Plant Origin as Antipathogen Agents in Fish Health Management x

Eco-friendly essential oils of plant origin as antipathogen agents in fish health management.


KISR Report


المساهمون:  Al-Yaqout, A.

الموضوعات:  Infectious. ,  Bacterial diseases. ,  Parasitic. ,  Fungal. ,  Formaldehyde. ,  Malachite green. ,  Banned. ,  Antibiotics. ,  Antibiotic resistance. ,  Essential oils. ,  Tea tree. ,  Clove. ,  Garlic. ,  Thyme. ,  Uronima ,  Vibrio. ,  Streptococcus. ,  Sheam. ,  Zobaidy. ,  Shrimp.

المشروعات:  Eco-Friendly Essential Oils of Plant Origin as Antipathogen Agents in Fish Health Management

عرض الملف

Eco-friendly essential oils of plant origin as antipathogen agents in fish health management.


KISR Report

Final Report (Revised)

المساهمون:  Al-Yaqout, A.

الموضوعات:  Bacterial diseases ,  Parasitic ,  Fungal ,  Formaldehyde ,  Malachite green ,  Antibiotics ,  Antibiotic resistance ,  Tea tree ,  Garlic ,  Thyme ,  Clove ,  Uronima ,  Vibrio ,  Streptococccus ,  Sheam ,  Zobaidy ,  Shrimp

المشروعات:  Eco-Friendly Essential Oils of Plant Origin as Antipathogen Agents in Fish Health Management

رمز المشروع:  FM 055C

عرض الملف

Eco-friendly essential oils of plant origin as antipathogen agents in fish health management.


KISR Report

Final Report

المساهمون:  Al-Yaqout, A.

الموضوعات:  Bacterial diseases. ,  Parasitic. ,  Fungal. ,  Formaldehyde. ,  Malachite green. ,  Antibiotics. ,  Antibiotic. ,  Resistance. ,  Tea tree. ,  Garlic. ,  Thyme. ,  Clove. ,  Uronima. ,  Vibrio. ,  Streptococus. ,  Sheam. ,  Zobaidy. ,  Shrimp.

المشروعات:  Eco-Friendly Essential Oils of Plant Origin as Antipathogen Agents in Fish Health Management

رمز المشروع:  FM 055C

عرض الملف

Eco-friendly essential oils of plant origin as antipathogen agents in fish health management.


KISR Report


المساهمون:  Al-Yaqout, A.

الموضوعات:  Infectious. ,  Bacterial diseases. ,  Parasitic. ,  Fungal. ,  Formaldehyde. ,  Malachite green. ,  Banned. ,  Antibiotics. ,  Antibiotic resistance. ,  Essential oils. ,  Tea tree. ,  Clove. ,  Garlic. ,  Thyme. ,  Uronima ,  Vibrio. ,  Streptococcus. ,  Sheam. ,  Zobaidy. ,  Shrimp.

المشروعات:  Eco-Friendly Essential Oils of Plant Origin as Antipathogen Agents in Fish Health Management

رمز المشروع:  FM 055K

عرض الملف

Eco-friendly essential oils of plant origin as antipathogen agents in fish health management.


KISR Report


المساهمون:  Al-Yaqout, A.

الموضوعات:  Bacterial diseases ,  Microbiology ,  الأمراض المعدية; البكتيريا;الطفيلية;الفطرية;مسرطنة; الزيوت العطرية;الثوم; الزعتر;القرنفل ,  Infection, bacterial diseases, parasitic, fungal, formaldehde, malachite green, banned, antibiotics, antibiotic resistance, essential oils, tea tree, garlic, thyme, clove, uronima, vibrio, streptococcus, sheam, zobaidy, shrimp

المشروعات:  Eco-Friendly Essential Oils of Plant Origin as Antipathogen Agents in Fish Health Management

رمز المشروع:  FM 055C

عرض الملف