report(s) found: 10000

Assessment of viability and effectiveness of forward Osmosis membranes and polymer draw solutions for Seawater desalination :


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, M.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Feed water ,  Feed water ,  تحلية المياة ,  محلول السحب ,  استقطاب التركيز الداخلي ,  استخلاص المياه ,  استهلاك الطاقة ,  Internal concentration polarization ,  water recovery ,  Draw solution ,  Energy Consumption

Project(s):  Assessment of Viability and Effectiveness of Forward Osmosis Membranes and Polymer Draw Solutions for Seawater Desalination: Pilot Plant

Project code:  WT 060C

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Short and medium term economic effects of alternative government policies: an assessment based on a Macro Econometric model.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Burney, Nadeem.

Subject(s):  Economy ,  Database ,  Government ,  Government policy ,  Economic performance. ,  Crude oil price. ,  Sovereign wealth fund. ,  Macroeconomic model. ,  Kuwait. ,  الأداء الأقتصادي ,  سعر النفط الخام ,  صندوق الثروة السيادي ,  نموذج أقتصاد كلي ,  دولة الكويت

Project(s):  Short and Medium Term Economic Effects of Alternative Government Based on Macro Econometric Model

Project code:  TE 042K

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An assessment of private investment behavior in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Jabsheh, Faten.

Subject(s):  Foreign direct investment (FDI) ,  Long run economic growth ,  Diversification ,  Empirical research ,  Econometric analysis ,  الاستثمار الأجبني المباشر ,  النمو الإقتصادي الطويل الآجل ,  التنوع ,  تحليل إقتصادي قياسي

Project(s):  An Assessment of Private Investment Behavior in Kuwait

Project code:  TE 048C

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Design and development of talking demonstrative maps and scientific illustrations for visually impaired students using T3,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Qattan, Abeer.

Subject(s):  Blind ,  Maps ,  Software Development ,  Sense Organs ,  Visually impaired. ,  Tools. ,  Innovative. ,  3-D overlays. ,  TTT. ,  Audio. ,  Touch ,  ذوي الإعاقة ,  وسائل بصرية ,  حاسة اللمس ,  ثلاثية الأبعاد

Project(s):  Design and Development of Talking Demonstrative Maps and Scientific Illustrations for Visually Impaired Students Using T3

Project code:  SD 004G

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Demand for electricity in Kuwait : estimates of future consumption and capacity requirements estimates of future consumption and capacity requirements


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Burney, Nadeem.

Subject(s):  Demand/Consumption. ,  Electricity. ,  Kuwait.

Project(s):  Demand for electricity in Kuwait : estimates of future consumption and capacity requirements estimates of future consumption and capacity requirements

Project code:  TE 023K

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Human mobility analysis based on twitter's spatiotemporal data


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Jeri, M.

Subject(s):  Social networks ,  Social networks ,  Business networks ,  Business networks ,  مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ,  تعدين ,  تويتر ,  نمط ,  السلوك البشري ,  location based social networks ,  mining ,  twitter ,  pattern ,  human behavior

Project(s):  Human Mobility Analysis Based on Twitter's Spatiotemporal Data

Project code:  SD 006G

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Development of an online bilingual (Arabic- American) sign dictionary.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Qallaf, Ali.

Subject(s):  Deaf and dumb ,  sign language ,  Languages ,  Computer Applications ,  world Wide Web ,  Students ,  Scientific research ,  Kuwait sign language dictionary. ,  Deaf student. ,  Unified arabic sign language dictionary. ,  Pre- school sign language dictionary. ,  Scout sign language dictionary. ,  قاموس الأشارة الوصفية الكويتية ,  الطلبة الصم ,  القاموس الإشاري العربي للصم ,  القاموس الأشاري لأطفال ما قبل المدرسة ,  القاموس الأشاري للمهارات الكشفية

Project(s):  Development of an Online Bilingual (Arabic- American) Sign Dictionary

Project code:  SD 005K.

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Kuwait's macroeconomic performance in the global context: a global vector auto- regressive approach


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Burney, Nadeem

Subject(s):  Economy ,  Foreign Policy ,  petroleum ,  Crises ,  Long- run growth. ,  Oil price. ,  Equity market. ,  Spillover effects. ,  Kuwait. ,  النمو طويل الأمد ,  سعر النفط ,  سوق المال ,  الآثار المتدة ,  الكويت

Project(s):  Kuwait's Macroeconomic Performance in the Global Context : a global vector auto- regressive approach

Project code:  TE 046K

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Design of solar cooling system for a primary school


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Suri, R. K.

Subject(s):  Cooling load. Solar absorption cooling system.

Project(s):  Design of Solar Cooling System for a Primary School

Project code:  SE 53

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Design of solar cooling system for a primary school


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Suri, R. K.

Subject(s):  Cooling load. Solar absorption cooling system.

Project(s):  Design of Solar Cooling System for a Primary School

Project code:  SE 53

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Failure analysis of ruptured boiler tubes from KNPC Mina Al-Ahmadi Refinery


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Islam, M.

Subject(s):  Boiler failure. Overheat rupture. Hydrogen damage.

Project(s):  Failure Analysis of Ruptured Boiler Tubes from KNPC Mina Al-Ahmadi Refinery

Project code:  RFS 149

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Analysis of 4" vent pipe materials


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Riad, W.

Subject(s):  Vent pipe. Perforation. Pipe material analysis.

Project(s):  Analysis of 4" Vent Pipe Materials

Project code:  RFS 151

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