report(s) found: 10000

Using Marine Algae as poultry feed


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al Khalaifa, Hanan.

Subject(s):  Algae ,  Poultry ,  Feed ,  Climate conditions ,  Broilers ,  Meat quality ,  Production performance ,  Omega-3 ,  الدجاج اللاحم ,  نوعية اللحم ,  أداء الإنتاج ,  اوميغا-3

Project(s):  Using Marine Algae as Poultry Feed

Project code:  FA 127C

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Experimental investigation of mexico fan palm cellulose fibers used as green technology for reinforcing concrete


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Shamali, Osama.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Industry ,  Structural safety. ,  Reinforced concrete structures. ,  Assessment of existing structures. ,  Nondestructive. ,  السلامة الأنشائية ,  خزانات المياه تحت الأرض ,  خرسانة مسلحة ,  تقييم المنشئات القائمة ,  طرق فحص غير متلفة

Project(s):  Experimental Investigation of Mexico Fan Palm Cellulose Fibers used as Green Technology for Reinforcing Concrete

Project code:  EU 064G

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Measurement of Co2 emissions from power and desalination plants in Kuwait and possibility of Carbon capture and storage


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Salem, Sultan.

Subject(s):  Gases ,  Electricity generation ,  Carbon ,  Carbon dioxide ,  Process engineering ,  Carbon waste (off) gases ,  GHG ,  Combustion science ,  هندسة العمليات ,  الكربون ,  النفايات الغازية ,  الغازات الدفيئة ,  الأشتعال

Project(s):  Measurement of Co2 Emissions from Power & desalination plants in Kuwait & possibility of Carbon Capture & Storage

Project code:  EC 093C

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Daily monitoring and assessment of the climatic conditions measured by KISR's eight meteorological stations


KISR Report

Technical Report v. II

Contributor(s):  Ramadan, A.

Subject(s):  Climate ,  Wind ,  Station ,  Speed ,  Coastal. ,  Wind. ,  Measurment. ,  Stations.

Project(s):  Daily monitoring and assessment of the climatic conditions measured by KISR's eight meteorological stations

Project code:  EC 010G

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Developing quantitative planning tools


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 6

Contributor(s):  Burney, N.

Subject(s):  Structural analysis. ,  Fiscal policy. ,  Forecasts. ,  Kuwait.

Project(s):  Developing Quantitative Planning Tools

Project code:  TQ 003C

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Assessment of indoor organic pollutants level in selected schools,


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Awadi, Laila.

Subject(s):  Radon ,  Air Quality ,  Sick building syndrome ,  Pollutants ,  Radon. ,  Hydrocarbons. ,  Indoor air quality. ,  Sick building syndrome. ,  Pollutants. ,  غاز الرادون ,  الهيدروكربونات ( المركبات العضوية) ,  جودة الهواء الداخلي ,  مرض متزامنة المباني الغير صحية ,  الملوثات

Project(s):  Assessment of Indoor Organic Pollutant Levels in Selected Schools

Project code:  EC 045C

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An automated project management support system


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Othman, A.

Subject(s):  Dynamic hypertext markup language. ,  Document object model. ,  Javascript. ,  Cascading style sheets.

Project(s):  An Automated Project Management Support System

Project code:  TQ 003C

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Assessment of indoor organic pollutant levels in selected schools,


KISR Report

Final Report (Revised)

Contributor(s):  Al Awadi, Layla.

Subject(s):  Pollutants. ,  Pollutants. ,  Schools. ,  Schools. ,  Indoor air Pollution. ,  Indoor air Pollution. ,  Environment. ,  Environment. ,  غاز الرادون ,  الهيدروكربونات (المركبات العضوية) ,  جودة الهواء الداخلي ,  مرض متزامنة المباني الغير صحية ,  الملوثات ,  Radon. ,  Hydrocarboons. ,  Indoor air quality. ,  Sick building syndrome. ,  Pollutants.

Project(s):  Assessment of Indoor Organic Pollutant Levels in Selected Schools

Project code:  EC 045C

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A Methodology for compiling supply, use and IOTS for Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Gelan, Ayele

Subject(s):  Economy ,  Economy ,  Pension systems ,  Pension systems ,  جداول العرض والاستخدام ,  جداول المداخلات والمخرجات ,  نظام الحسابات القومية ,  تحويل ,  ارتباطات ,  SUTs ,  IOTs ,  SAM ,  SNA ,  Transformation ,  Linkages

Project(s):  Designing & Construction of a Social Accounting Matrix for the State of Kuwait

Project code:  TE 045C

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Geological and Geomorphological characteristics of Um-Al-rimam Depression

KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Dousari, A.M.

Subject(s):  Lake ,  Analysis ,  Geological ,  Geomorphological z ,  Artificial Lake. ,  Geomorphological. ,  Um Al Rimam. ,  أم الرمم. ,  جيومورفولوجي. ,  بحيرة صناعية.

Project(s):  Geological and Geomorphological characteristics of Um-Al-rimam Depression

Project code:  EC 073K

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Using marine algae poultry feed


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Khalaifa, Hanan.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Production ,  Broilers. ,  Meat quality. ,  Production performance. ,  Omega-3. ,  الدجاج اللاحم ,  نوعية اللحم ,  أداء الانتاج ,  أوميغا-3

Project(s):  Using Marine Algae as Poultry Feed

Project code:  FA 127C

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Using Marine Algae as poultry feed


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Khalaifa, Hanan.

Subject(s):  Broilers ,  Broilers ,  Meat ,  Meat ,  Omega-3 fatty acids ,  Omega-3 fatty acids ,  Omega 3 ,  Production performance ,  Meat quality ,  Broilers ,  الدجاج الاحم ,  نوعية اللحم ,  أداء الأنتاج ,  أوميغا 3

Project(s):  Using Marine Algae as Poultry Feed

Project code:  FA 127C

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