report(s) found: 10000

Effect of Hydrogen and residence time on atmospheric pressure CVD graphene grown on Liquid copper


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Alawadhi, Sami

Subject(s):  Hydrogen ,  Hydrogen ,  Metals ,  Metals ,  الجرافين ,  ترسب البخار الكيميائي ,  النحاس السائل ,  الهيدروجين ,  وقت النمو ,  Graphene ,  CVD ,  Cu ,  H² ,  residence time

Project(s):  Effect of Hydrogen and Residence Time on Atmospheric Pressure CVD Graphene Grown on Liquid Copper

Project code:  EA 055G

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Air and noise pollution studies


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Sudairawi, M.

Subject(s):  Air pollution. Noise pollution. Environmental impact assessment. Baseline survey. Kuwait public corridors.

Project(s):  Air and Noise Pollution Studies

Project code:  RFP 159

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Ground motion modeling and structural monitoring of tall buildings


KISR Report

Revised Annual Progress Report No.1

Contributor(s):  Al Qazweeni, Jamal

Subject(s):  Structural monitoring ,  Structural monitoring ,  Sensors ,  Sensors ,  Accelerometers ,  GPS ,  Tall building ,  Structural health monitoring ,  ground motion modeling ,  البنية التحتية ,  المباني الشاهقة ,  التسارع ,  المباني العالية ,  مراقبة صحة المباني

Project(s):  Ground Motion Modeling and Structural Monitoring of Tall Buildings

Project code:  EU 124C

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Assessment of reservoir response to aquifer Water injection :


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Dashti, Hameeda.

Subject(s):  Underground water ,  Reservoir ,  temperature ,  Wells ,  Pilot Water Injection. ,  Wara aquifer. ,  Monitoring. ,  حقن فيضب نمطي ,  وارة ,  مياه تكوينية ,  مراقبة

Project(s):  Assessment of Reservoir Response to Aquifer Water Injection Wafra Pilot Plants

Project code:  PP 030C

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Semiconductor -based transparent films for self-disinfecting surfaces(Phase 1)


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ismail, Adel

Subject(s):  Virus ,  Nanobiotechnology ,  Hospitals ,  Porous materials ,  مواد نانومترية ,  الأغشية الرقيقة ,  مضاد للفيروسات ومضاد للبكتيريا ,  أكسدة ضوئية ,  الضوء المرئي ,  كوفيد 19 ,  Nanomaterials ,  Thin films ,  Anti-viral and antibacterial ,  Photooxidation ,  Visible light ,  Covid -19

Project(s):  Semiconductor -Based Transparent Films for Self-Disinfecting Surfaces(Phase 1)

Project code:  EA 095C

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Impact of Urban Green Area on Surface temperature in Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Dashti, A.

Subject(s):  Open space ,  Open space ,  Urban ecology ,  Urban ecology ,  Remote Sensing ,  vegetation indies ,  urban green areas ,  LST ,  Classification ,  Change Detection ,  درجة حرارة السطح ,  التصنيفات ,  اكتشاف التغيير الاستشعار ,  مؤشرات الغطاء النباتي ,  المناطق الخضراء الحضرية

Project(s):  Impact of Urban Green Area on Surface Temperature in Kuwait

Project code:  SD 008G

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Microbiologically influenced corrosion of carbon steel in sea and effluent water injection plants in oil fields in Nothern and Western Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 5

Contributor(s):  Al-Mazeedi, Hanaa Abdul Amir.

Subject(s):  Carbon steel ,  Carbon steel ,  Oil fields ,  Oil fields ,  Electrochemical Noise Technique. ,  Electrochemical techniques. ,  Pitting corrosion. ,  Hydrogen sulfide. ,  تفنية التموجات الكهروكيميائية. ,  التقنيات الكهروكيميائية. ,  التآكل النقرى. ,  غاز كبريتيد الهيدروجين.

Project(s):  Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Sea and Effluent Water Injection Plants of North and West Kuwait Oil Field

Project code:  PP 029C

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Effect of a vertical opening in reinforced concrete beams


KISR Report

Amendemnent/Extension Ä"Concept Note

Contributor(s):  Parol, J.

Subject(s):  Cement composites ,  Cement composites ,  Reinforced concrete ,  Reinforced concrete ,  Reinforced concrete ,  Finite element analysis ,  vertical opening ,  artificial neural network ,  خرسانة مسلحة ,  تحليل العناصر المحدودة ,  ثقب رأسي ,  شبكة عصبية اصطناعية

Project(s):  Effect of a Vertical Opening in Reinforced Concrete Beams

Project code:  EU 129K

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Ground motion modeling and structural monitoring of tall buildings


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No.1

Contributor(s):  Qazweeni, J.

Subject(s):  Structural monitoring ,  Structural monitoring ,  Sensors ,  Sensors ,  Infrastructure ,  Accelerometers ,  GPS ,  Tall building ,  Structural health monitoring ,  المباني الشاهقة ,  التسارع ,  لبنية التحتية ,  المباني العالية ,  مراقبة صحة المباني

Project(s):  Ground Motion Modeling and Structural Monitoring of Tall Buildings

Project code:  EU 124C

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Air and noise pollution studies


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Sudairawi, M.

Subject(s):  Air pollution. Noise pollution. Environmental impact assessment. Baseline survey. Kuwait public corridors.

Project(s):  Air and Noise Pollution Studies

Project code:  RFP 159

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Extraction of magnesium oxide from concentrated brine :


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, Mansour

Subject(s):  Salt water ,  Magnesium oxide ,  Potassium ,  sea water ,  تحلية المياه بدون مياه عادمة ,  تحلية مياه البحر ,  البيئة ,  التخلص من محلول ملحي ,  أستخلاص الأملاح ,  Zero Liquid Discharge ,  Seawater desalination ,  Environment ,  Brine disposal ,  Salt recovery

Project(s):  Extraction of Magnesium Oxide from Concentrated Brine : Pilot plant

Project code:  WT 045C

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Improvement of the thermal insulation properties of artificial rocks


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Rasoul, F. A.

Subject(s):  Thermal insulation. Insulation materials. Energy conservation.

Project(s):  Improvement of the Thermal Insulation Properties of Artificial Rocks

Project code:  RFS 10

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