report(s) found: 10000

Evaluating the use of ZrO2 and ZnO nanofluids for Water injection purposes: raudhatain field


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Samhan, Meshal

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Sea water ,  Sea Water ,  smart water ,  EOR ,  Nano particles ,  Water Injection ,  ZnO ,  ZrO2 ,  تحسين الانتاج ,  مواد النانو ,  المياة الذكية ,  حقن المياة ,  اكسيد الزركيوم ,  اكسيد الزنك

Project(s):  Evaluating the use of ZrO2 and ZnO nanofluids for Water injection purposes: raudhatain field

Project code:  PP 081C

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Development of accurate prediction model of viscosity as a function of temperature


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Bouresli, Khalifa

Subject(s):  temperature ,  Temperature ,  Viscosity ,  Viscosity ,  اللزوجة ,  الزيوت الخام الميتة ,  نموذج تنبؤ اللزوجة ,  اللزوجة الديناميكية ,  Viscosity ,  dead crude oils ,  prediction model viscosity ,  Dynamic viscosity

Project(s):  Development of accurate prediction model of viscosity as a function of temperature

Project code:  PF 016G

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Evaluating different smart waters for water injection application


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Samhan, Mashal

Subject(s):  Water quality ,  WAter quality ,  Smart water grids ,  Smart water grids ,  Nano particles ,  Nano fluid ,  SiO2 ,  A12O3

Project(s):  Evaluating different smart waters for water injection application

Project code:  PP 078K

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Nanofabrication and characterization of oxygen and co gases nanosensor for high temperatures applications (phase 1)


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Halaili, Badriyah

Subject(s):  Nanotechnology ,  Nanotechnology ,  Material Sciences ,  Material Sciences ,  O³Ga² ,  مستشعر الغاز ,  C² ,  تصنيع نانوني ,  CO ,  Gas nanosensors ,  Gallium oxide ,  O2 ,  CO ,  nanofabrication

Project(s):  Nanofabrication and characterization of oxygen and co gases nanosensor for high temperatures applications

Project code:  EA 091K

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Under the umberella of GI project pilot study for utilization of modern technologies in sustainable local food production in support of Kuwait's food security


Government Initiative

Intrim Report No.2

Contributor(s):  Al Subiai, Sherain

Subject(s):  Sustainable agriculture ,  Agriculture Systems ,  Sustainable agriculture ,  Agriculture Systems ,  Sustainable farming renewable energy ,  controlled environment agriculture ,  Farming systems ,  Food Security

Project(s):  Under the umberella of GI project pilot study for utilization of modern technologies in sustainable local food production in support of Kuwait's food security

Project code:  P-KISR-17-01

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Development of the production unit of Salmon and sea bass


Government Initiative

Interim Report

Contributor(s):  Al Yaqout, Amani

Subject(s):  Salmon ,  Salmon ,  Fish culture ,  Fish culture ,  Salmon ,  Sea bass ,  Larave rearing ,  RAS system ,  السالمون ,  السيباس ,  حضانة اليرقات ,  نظام RAS

Project(s):  Development of the production unit of Salmon and sea bass

Project code:  P-KISR-20

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Pilot study for utilization of modern technologies in sustainable local food production in support of Kuwait's food security


Government Initiative

Interim Report No.5

Contributor(s):  Suleiman, M. K.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Food ,  Natural Resources ,  Natural Resources ,  Food production ,  crop productiob ,  Poultry ,  livestock ,  Shrimp production ,  الانتاج الغذائي ,  إنتاج المحاصيلإنتاج الدواجن ,  الإنتاج الحيواني ,  إنتاج الربيان

Project(s):  Pilot study for utilization of modern technologies in sustainable local food production in support of Kuwait's food security

Project code:  P-KISR-17

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Efficient electric load forcasting model using human mobility data

KISR Report

Annual Progress Report no. 1

Contributor(s):  AL Ajmi, T.

Subject(s):  Pandemic ,  Economic ,  Energy ,  Population ,  Electricity demand. ,  Short-term load forcasting. ,  COVID-19 pandemic. Mobility data. ,  Deep learning. ,  الطلب على الكهرباء. ,  التنبؤ بالحمل قصير المدى. ,  جائحة كورونا. ,  بيانات التنقل. ,  التعلم العميق.

Project(s):  Efficient electric load forcasting model using human mobility data

Project code:  EU 146K

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Mangnesium metal scrapes for fuel cell applications


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  El Eskandarany, M. Sherif.

Subject(s):  Solid ,  Powder ,  Cell ,  Metal ,  Solid-waste Mg. ,  Reactive ball milling. ,  Powder technology. ,  Mechanical treatment. ,  Solid-state hydrogen. ,  light-duty fuel cell cart. ,  النفايات الصلبة للماغنيسيوم. ,  طواحين الكور التفاعلية. ,  تكنولوجيا المساحيق. ,  المعالجات الميكانيكية. ,  نظام تخزين هيدروجيني. ,  مركبات خلايا الوقود.

Project(s):  Management metal scrapes for fuel cell applications

Project code:  EA 099C

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Structural health monitoring of grand mosque of Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Parol, J.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Health ,  Religious ,  Structural ,  Reinforced concrete. ,  Retrofiting. ,  Structural health monitoring. ,  الخرسانة المسلحة. ,  تدعيم. ,  مراقبة السلامة الانشائية المسلحة. ,  مراقبة السلامة الانشائي.

Project(s):  Structural health monitoring of grand mosque of Kuwait

Project code:  EU 125C

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Total quality management in manufacturing and service industries in the State of Kuwait


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Al Othman, A.

Subject(s):  Management ,  Quality ,  Industry ,  Key ,  Quality dimensions. ,  total quality management. ,  producer/consumer profiles. ,  Best Practices. ,  ادارة الجودة الشاملة. ,  ملامح المنتج والمسنهلك. ,  أفضل الممارسات. ,  قائمة خاصة بالجودة.

Project(s):  Total quality management in manufacturing and service industries in the State of Kuwait

Project code:  TE 053K

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Combined field and laboratory experiments to enhance the understanding of "po and pb" transfer in Marine food webs


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report no. 3

Contributor(s):  Behbehani, M.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Marine ,  Energy ,  Health ,  Primary producers. ,  Primary cumsumers. ,  PO. ,  Assimilation rate. ,  Fecal pallets. ,  المنتجين الأساسيين. ,  المستهلكين الأساسيين. ,  البولونيوم. ,  معدل الأستيعاب. ,  العينات البرازية.

Project(s):  Combined field and laboratory experiments to enhance the understanding of "po and pb" transfer in Marine food webs

Project code:  EM 111C

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