report(s) found: 10000

Mesocosms and Metabarcoding and innovative proxy for Biomonitoring: Benthic forminiferal


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, E.

Subject(s):  Marine Environment ,  Environmental pollution ,  Sediment ,  Foraminifera ,  Benthic foraminifera ,  culture laboratory ,  Mesocosm ,  POP ,  Sediments ,  تشوه المنخريات ,  مختبر الأستزراع ,  أنواع النخريات ,  رسوبيات

Project(s):  Mesocosms and Metabarcoding an Innovative Proxy for Biomonitoring: Benthic Forminiferal

Project code:  FB 149K

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Development of air quality management system to support in Kuwait to support decision making


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Hemoud, Ali

Subject(s):  Air ,  Management ,  Quality ,  System ,  مراقبة ورصد الهواء ,  جودة الهواء ,  معايير الهواء ,  تقييم التأثير الصحي

Project(s):  Development of air quality management System to Support in Kuwait to Support Decision Making

Project code:  EC 137C

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Sustainable desert ecosystem management with use of treated wastewater for forage irrigation in Kuwait


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Madouh, Tareq

Subject(s):  Sewage ,  Feed ,  Water ,  Soil ,  Bioaccumulation ,  Ecosystem and environmental quality ,  Personal care products ,  Pharmaceuticals ,  Heavy metals

Project(s):  Sustainable Desert Ecosystem Management with Use of Treated Wastewater for Forage Irrigation in Kuwait

Project code:  FA 156C

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Assessment of loss of 210PO by cooking of Seafood and its effect on dose estimates to humans ingesting Seafood


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Uddin, S.

Subject(s):  Seafood ,  sea water ,  Fish ,  Cooking ,  Bioaccumulation ,  Grill ,  Frying ,  Boiling ,  Fish ,  Shrimps ,  Mussels ,  التراكم الأحيائي ,  الشواء ,  القلي ,  السلق ,  السمك ,  الروبيان ,  بلح البحر

Project(s):  Assessment of Loss of 210 PO by Cooking of Seafood and its Effect on dose Estimates to Humans Ingesting Seafood

Project code:  EM 112K

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Evaluation of energy conservation measures through calibrated simulation models for buildings in Kuwait


KISR Report

Annual Report

Contributor(s):  Sebzali, Mohammad

Subject(s):  Energy consumption ,  Electricity ,  Global Warming ,  Temperatures ,  Energy efficiency ,  Air-conditioing ,  Calibration ,  energy saving ,  Kuwait

Project(s):  Evaluation of Energy Conservation Measures through Calibrated Simulation Models for Buildings in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 102K

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Effects of Kuwait crude oil on photosynthetic activity of Marine algae


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Nuaimi, S.

Subject(s):  Algae ,  Photosynthesis ,  Oil ,  Marine Biology ,  النفط ,  جزء النفط الكويت الخام المذاب في ماء البحر ,  طحالب ,  كلوروفيل ,  علم السموم المائية ,  عملية البناء الضوئي ,  ملوثات ,  KCO ,  WAF ,  Algae ,  Tetraselmis suecica ,  Aquatic toxicology ,  Chlorophy11 ,  Photosynthesis ,  Pollutants

Project(s):  Effects of Kuwait Crude Oil on Photosynthetic Activity of Marine Algae

Project code:  EC 080G

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Wave forces on offshore structures calculated with smooth particle Hydrodynamics and physical modeling-a physical modeling study at KISR


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Neelamani, Subramaniam

Subject(s):  Crude Oil ,  Waves ,  Drilling ,  Project ,  Offshore drilling platform ,  Regular and Random Waves ,  Physical model ,  flexible and rigid structure ,  منصة الحفر البحرية ,  موجات منتظمة وعشوائية ,  النمذجة الفيزيائية ,  هياكل مرنة وصلبة

Project(s):  Wave Forces on Offshore Structures Calculated with Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics & Physical Modeling - Physical Modeling Study at KISR

Project code:  EC 119C (PR18-15EV-05)

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Fault detection and identification for distillation column scan based on machine learning technique


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ebrahim, S.

Subject(s):  Radioactive fallout ,  petroleum ,  Radioactive fallout ,  Petroleum ,  Radioactive-Distillation column-Gamma ray ,  Machine learning ,  المشعة ,  عمود التقطير ,  أشعة جاما ,  التعلم الألي

Project(s):  Fault detection and identification for distillation column scan based on machine learning technique

Project code:  PF 111K

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Effect of water injection on the performance of ARDS process


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Fadhli, J.

Subject(s):  Numerical analysis ,  Numerical analysis ,  Water injection ,  Water injection ,  ARDS unit ,  Water Injection ,  Water-oil temperature operating envelope ,  وحدة ترقية النفوط الثقيلة ,  حقن الماء ,  الظرف التشغيلي لنسبة الماء الى اللقيم ودرجة الحرارة

Project(s):  Effect of water injection on the performance of ARDS process

Project code:  PF 102K

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Development of carbon-based membrane for separation processes - Phase II


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No.1

Contributor(s):  Alomair, A.

Subject(s):  Carbon steel ,  Carbon steel ,  Membrane ,  Membrane

Project(s):  Development of carbon-based membrane for separation processes

Project code:  PF 094C

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Integrated geological study of the Marrat formation for south east Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ferdous, H.

Subject(s):  Sedimentology ,  Lithofacies ,  Sedimentology ,  Lithofacies ,  Sedimentology ,  stratigraphy ,  sequence ,  borehole ,  image ,  Reservoir ,  علم الرواسب ,  تسلسل ,  حفرة ,  يصور ,  مكمن

Project(s):  Integrated geological study of the Marrat formation for south east Kuwait

Project code:  PP 161S

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Corrosion damage of carbon steel downhole tubular in sweet corrosion environment


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Hussain, F.

Subject(s):  Carbon steel ,  Carbon steel ,  Oil fields ,  Oil fields ,  Carbon steel ,  Sweet corrosion ,  Corrosion inhibitor ,  التآكل الحلو ,  مثبط التآكل ,  الكربون الصلب

Project(s):  Corrosion damage of carbon steel downhole tubular in sweet corrosion environment

Project code:  PP 007G

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