report(s) found: 10000

Investigation of the efficiency of the new cooling system in the broiler and layer houses in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Khalaifah, H.

Subject(s):  Broilers ,  Broilers ,  cooling systems ,  cooling systems ,  Broiler ,  Cooling system ,  Layers ,  Poultry

Project(s):  Investigation of the efficiency of the new cooling system in the broiler and layer houses in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 151C

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Assessment of moisture sensitivity of asphalt mixtures prepared with rubber and polymer modified bitumens


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Baghli, H.

Subject(s):  Asphalt ,  Design ,  Moisture ,  Energy ,  Compaction. ,  air voids. ,  Hamburg wheel tracking test. ,  superpave. ,  Short-term protocol. ,  Marshal mix design. ,  الضفط. ,  الفراغ الهوائي. ,  اختبار تتبع عجلة هامبورغ. ,  السوبر بييف. ,  تكييف الرطوبة. ,  تصميم مزيج مارشال.

Project(s):  Assessment of moisture sensitivity of asphalt mixtures prepared with rubber and polymer modified bitumens

Project code:  EU 153K

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Performance and financial evaluation of Geothermal heat pumps for residential buildings in a hot climate


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ameer, B.

Subject(s):  Air conditioning ,  Air conditioning ,  Colling ,  Colling ,  Air conditioning systems ,  Geothermal energy ,  Energy efficiency ,  CO² emission ,  أنظمة تكييف الهواء ,  طاقة حرارية جوفية ,  انبعاث ثاني اكسيد الكربون ,  كفاءة الطاقة

Project(s):  Performance and financial evaluation of Geothermal heat pumps for residential buildings in a hot climate

Project code:  EU 169K

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The improved resilience to transboundary sand and dust storms in Kuwait and Iraq


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 4

Contributor(s):  Al Hemoud, A.

Subject(s):  Storm ,  Storm ,  Sand ,  Sand ,  Soil analysis ,  hotspot ,  dust traps ,  Dust monitoring ,  Remote Sensing ,  تحليل التربة ,  النقاط الساخنة ,  مصائد الغبار ,  مراقبة الغبار ,  الاستشعار عن بعد

Project(s):  The improved resilience to transboundary sand and dust storms in Kuwait and Iraq

Project code:  EM 124C

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Developing climate smart crop production, including improvement and enhancement of crop productivity, soil and irrigation management, and food safety using nuclear techniques


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, H.

Subject(s):  Greenhouse gas emissions ,  Greenhouse gas emissions ,  Quality control ,  a Quality control ,  انبعاث الغازات ,  كفاءة استخدام المياة ,  كفاءة استخدام الاسمدة ,  Greenhouse gas ,  Water use efficiency ,  fertilizer use efficiency

Project(s):  Developing climate smart crop production, including improvement and enhancement of crop productivity, soil and irrigation management, and food safety using techniques

Project code:  FA 197C

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Using nuclear derived techniques in the early and rapid detection of priority animal and zoonotic diseases with focus on avian influenza "Insights into Avian influenza in Kuwait"


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Ateeqi, A.

Subject(s):  Infection diseases ,  Infection diseases ,  Viruses ,  Viruses

Project(s):  Using nuclear derived techniques in the early and rapid detection of priority animal and zoonotic diseases with focus on avian influenza

Project code:  FA 193C

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Investigation of Nano-lubricants for Refrigeration Systems for Urban Energy Resilience


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Alsayegh, N.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Air conditioning ,  Oil ,  Environment ,  Nano-lubricant ,  Air Conditioning ,  compressor ,  Thermophysical properties ,  transport properties ,  experimental ,  Modelling ,  زيوت التشحيم النانوية ,  تكييف هواء ,  ضاغط ,  الخائص الثرموفيزيائية ,  خصائص النقل ,  التجريبية ,  النمذجة

Project(s):  Investigation Of Nano-Lubricants For Refrigeration Systems For Urban Energy Resilience

Project code:  EA 117C

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The Effect of combining green roof with solar Photovoltaic panels in Kuwait


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Bassam, E.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Solar energy ,  Energy ,  Solar energy ,  Energy Consumption ,  Energy savings ,  building thermal performance ,  energy plus software ,  أستهلاك الطاقة ,  توفير الطاقة ,  الأداء الحراري للمباني ,  برنامج رياضي

Project(s):  The Effect of Combining Green Roof with Solar Photovoltaic Panels in Kuwait

Project code:  EA 100C

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Wave interaction on slender submarine pipelines resting on Sea bed with different roughness


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension ''C''

Contributor(s):  Al Khaldi, M.

Subject(s):  Sea ,  Pipelines ,  Waves ,  Soil ,  أمواج البحر ,  قاع البحر ,  خشونة تربة قاع البحر ,  خطوط انابيب رفيعة تحت الماء ,  الطبقة الحدودية ,  قوي هيدروديناميكية ,  Sea waves ,  Seabed soil ,  Soil roughness ,  Slender submarine pipelines ,  Boundary layer ,  Hydrodynamic forces

Project(s):  Wave Interaction on Slender Submarine Pipelines Resting on Sea Bed with Different Roughness

Project code:  EC 112C

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Comprehensive pathways monitoring of ambient air pollution using nuclear analytical techniques


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Aba, A.

Subject(s):  Air Pollution ,  Environment ,  Energy ,  Environment ,  Pm2.5 ,  Atmospheric Pollution ,  Positive Matrix Factorization ,  Energy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence

Project(s):  Comprehensive Pathways Monitoring Of Ambient Air Pollution Using Nuclear Analytical Techniques

Project code:  EC 132C

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Wave interaction on slender submarine pipelines resting on Sea bed with different roughness


KISR Report

Proposal Amendment/ Extension (D)

Contributor(s):  Al Khaldi, M.

Subject(s):  Sea ,  Pipelines ,  Waves ,  Soil ,  أمواج البحر ,  قاع البحر ,  خشونة تربة قاع البحر ,  خطوط انابيب رفيعة تحت الماء ,  الطبقة الحدودية ,  قوي هيدروديناميكية ,  Sea waves ,  Seabed soil ,  Soil roughness ,  Slender submarine pipelines ,  Boundary layer ,  Hydrodynamic forces

Project(s):  Wave Interaction on Slender Submarine Pipelines Resting on Sea Bed with Different Roughness

Project code:  EC 112C

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Supply chain assessment of selected food items in support of food security in kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Enezi, A.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Food supply ,  Import ,  Food security ,  المواد الغذائية ,  الاستيراد ,  أصناف ,  الإنتاج المحلي ,  Nutritious ,  Reliance ,  Consistently ,  Commodities

Project(s):  Supply Chain Assessment Of Selected Food Items In Support Of Food Security In Kuwait

Project code:  FA 101G

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