report(s) found: 3
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Project title: Application of Finite Element Method for Reliability Assessment of Steel Plate Bolt Connections to Reinforced Concrete Structures x

Application of finite element method for reliability assessment of steel plate bolt connections to reinforced concrete structures


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Parol, Jafarali.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Concrete ,  Chemical ,  Chemical ,  Finite element analysis. ,  Adhesive anchor. ,  التحليل بطريقة العناصر المحدودة ,  براغي تثبيت

Project(s):  Application of Finite Element Method for Reliability Assessment of Steel Plate Bolt Connections to Reinforced Concrete Structures

Project code:  EU 092K

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Application of finite element method for reliability assessment of steel plate anchor connections to reinforced concrete structures,


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Parol, Jafaar.

Subject(s):  Engineering ,  Structural Engineering ,  Concrete ,  Bolts ,  Finite element analysis. ,  Adhesive anchor. ,  التحليل بطريقة العناصر المحدودة ,  براغي تثبيت

Project(s):  Application of Finite Element Method for Reliability Assessment of Steel Plate Bolt Connections to Reinforced Concrete Structures

Project code:  EU 092K

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Application of finite element method for reliability assessment of steel plate bolt connections to reinforced concrete structures.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Parol, Jafarali.

Subject(s):  Engineering ,  Structural Engineering ,  Concrete ,  Bolts ,  Reinforced concrete. ,  Bolt connections. ,  Finite element analysis. ,  Reliability analysis. ,  خرسانة مسلحة ,  وصلة براغي ,  تحليل بطريقة العناصر المحددة ,  تحليل الأعتمادية

Project(s):  Application of Finite Element Method for Reliability Assessment of Steel Plate Bolt Connections to Reinforced Concrete Structures

Project code:  EU 092K

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