report(s) found: 1
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Project title: CVD Graphene growth using substrates Alloys with low melting points x

CVD Graphene growth using substrates Alloys with low melting points


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Saeed, Mariam A.

Subject(s):  Graphene ,  Graphene ,  Nanostructured materials ,  Nanostructured materials ,  Graphene ,  Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) ,  nanofabrication ,  advance carbon materials ,  Nanomaterials ,  الجرافين ,  الترسيب بالتطاير الكيميائي ,  المواد الكربونية المتقدمة ,  مواد النانو

Project(s):  CVD Graphene growth using substrates Alloys with low melting points

Project code:  EA 083C

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