report(s) found: 1
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Project title: Effect of subbase type and rigidity on critical stresses and strains of flexible pavement composed of four layers x

Effect of subbase type and rigidity on critical stresses and strains of flexible pavement composed of four layers


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Ali, E.

Subject(s):  Building ,  Material ,  Asphalt ,  Countries ,  Flexible pavement. ,  Recycled concrete aggregates.. ,  Reclaimed asphalt pavement. ,  Fatique. ,  Rutting. ,  رصيف مرن. ,  ركام الخرسانة المعاد تدويره. ,  رصيف الأسفلت المستصلحة. ,  اعياء الشق.

Project(s):  Effect of subbase type and rigidity on critical stresses and strains of flexible pavement composed of four layers

Project code:  EU 075G

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