report(s) found: 3
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Project title: Life Expectancy Assessment of Existing Highway Bridge Systems x

Life expectancy assessment of existing highway bridge systems


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Assakkaf, Ibrahim.

Subject(s):  Safety ,  Safety ,  System ,  System ,  Reliability. ,  Highway Bridge Analysis. ,  Form Method. ,  Remaining Life of Structure. ,  Life Expectancy. ,  Assessment of Highway Bridges. ,  Risk Analysis and Design. ,  الأعتمادية ,  الموثوقية ,  جسور الطرق السريعه ,  المدة المتبقية للمنشئة ,  العمر المتوقع ,  تقييم جسور الطرق السريعة ,  التحليل والتصميم الخاص بالمخاطر

Project(s):  Life Expectancy Assessment of Existing Highway Bridge Systems

Project code:  EU 088K

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Life expectancy assessment of existing highway bridge systems


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Assakkaf, Ibrahim.

Subject(s):  Bridge ,  Bridge ,  Building ,  Building ,  Highway bridges. ,  Reliability analysis. ,  Structural reliability. ,  Reliability index.

Project(s):  Life Expectancy Assessment of Existing Highway Bridge Systems

Project code:  EU 088K

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Life expectancy assessment of existing highway bridge systems


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Assakkaf, Ibrahim.

Subject(s):  Bridges ,  Road networks ,  Database ,  Loads ,  Pier ,  traffic ,  Road construction ,  Highway bridges. ,  Reliability analysis. ,  Structural reliability. ,  Reliability index. ,  جسور الطرق ,  التحليل المبني علي نظرية الموثوقية ,  مؤشر الموثوقية

Project(s):  Life Expectancy Assessment of Existing Highway Bridge Systems

Project code:  EU 088K

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