report(s) found: 1
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Project title: Photocatalytic inactivation of aquaculture pathogenic in vitro bacteria under direct sunlight irradiation (phase 1) : A New Scope Into Layer Double Hydroxide x

Photocatalytic inactivation of aquaculture pathogenic in vitro bacteria under direct sunlight irradiation (phase 1) : A New Scope Into Layer Double Hydroxide


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Hajji, L.

Subject(s):  Bacteria ,  Bacteria ,  Water ,  Water ,  ودا نانومترية ,  الأغشية الرقيقة ,  مضاد للبكتريا ,  أكسدة ضوئية ,  طبقة هجينة مزدوجة هيدروكسيد ,  Nanomaterials ,  Thin films ,  Antibacterial ,  Photooxidation ,  layer double hydroxide (LDH) ,  Hybrids

Project(s):  Photocatalytic inactivation of aquaculture pathogenic in vitro bacteria under direct sunlight irradiation (phase 1) : A New Scope Into Layer Double Hydroxide

Project code:  EA 080K

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