report(s) found: 1
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Project title: Primary Cause of Corrosion of U/G Firefighting Pipeline at KOC Facilities x

Primary cause of corrosion of U/G firefighting Pipeline at KOC facilities


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Hussain, Adel

Subject(s):  Pipe,Plastic ,  Leak detectors ,  Pipe,Plastic ,  Leak detectors ,  Boilers ,  Boilers ,  Failure case study ,  Water leakage failure ,  localized corrosion perforation ,  Stry current corrosion ,  ground earth pit ,  fire protection piping system ,  Consultancy service ,  التحقق في حالة الفشل ,  فشل تسرب المياة ,  تآكل انثقاب مركزي ,  التآكل الكهربائي الضالة ,  أنابيب الحماية من الحرائقوالقطب الارضي ,  تقديم المشورة الاستشارية

Project(s):  Primary Cause of Corrosion of U/G Firefighting Pipeline at KOC Facilities

Project code:  EU 06S

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