report(s) found: 4
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Project title: Synthesizing of MgH₂-Nb₂O₂-Based Nanocomposite Powder Particles for the Manufacturing of Hydrogen Storage System for Light Duty Vehicles x

Synthesizing of MgH2-Nb2O5- based nanocomposite powder particles for the manufacturing of Hydrogen storage system for light duty vehicles, Phase II


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  El Eskandarany, Mohamad Sherif.

Subject(s):  Magnesium ,  Niobium ,  Hydrogen ,  Nanomaterials ,  Nanotechnology. ,  Reactive ball milling. ,  Hydrogen storage. ,  Nanoparticles. ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  التحفيز التفاعلي بطواحين الكور ,  تخزين الهيدروجين ,  الحبيبات النانونية

Project(s):  Synthesizing of MgH₂-Nb₂O₂-Based Nanocomposite Powder Particles for the Manufacturing of Hydrogen Storage System for Light Duty Vehicles

Project code:  EA 061C

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Synthiesizing of MgH2-Nb2O5-Based nanocomposite power particles for the manufacturing of hydrogen storage system for light duty vehicles, Phase II


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  El Eskandarany, Mohammad Shareef.

Subject(s):  Hydrogen ,  Magnesium ,  Temperatures ,  Nanocrystals ,  Nanotechnology. ,  Reactive ball milling. ,  Hydrogenation/ dehydrogenation properties. ,  Fuel cell. ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  الطحن التفاعلي من خلال طواحين الكور ,  خواص الأمتصاص و التفكك الهيدروجيني ,  خلايا الوقود

Project(s):  Synthesizing of MgH₂-Nb₂O₂-Based Nanocomposite Powder Particles for the Manufacturing of Hydrogen Storage System for Light Duty Vehicles

Project code:  EA 061C

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Synthesizing of MgH2-Nb2O5- based nanocomposite powder particles for the manufacturing of Hydrogen storage system for light duty vehicles, Phase II


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  El Eskandarany, Mohamad Sherif

Subject(s):  Magnesium ,  Magnesium ,  Hydrogen ,  Hydrogen ,  Nanotechnology ,  Reactive ball milling ,  hydrogenation/dehydrogenation properties ,  Fuel cell ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  الطحن التفاعلي من خلال طواحين الكور ,  خواص الامتصاص والتفكك الهيدروجيني ,  خلايا الوقود

Project(s):  Synthesizing of MgH₂-Nb₂O₂-Based Nanocomposite Powder Particles for the Manufacturing of Hydrogen Storage System for Light Duty Vehicles

Project code:  EA 061C

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Synthesizing of mgh2-nb2o2-based nanocomposite powder particles for the manufacturing of hydrogen storage system for light duty vehicles, phase II/


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  El Eskandarany, M.

Subject(s):  Nano ,  Hydrogen ,  Nanotechnology. ,  Reactive ball milling. ,  Hydrogenation/drogenation properties. ,  Fuel cell. ,  تكنلوجيا النانو ,  الطحن التفاعلي من خلال طواحين الكور ,  خواص الأمتصاص والتفكك الهيدروجيني ,  خلايا الوقود

Project(s):  Synthesizing of MgH₂-Nb₂O₂-Based Nanocomposite Powder Particles for the Manufacturing of Hydrogen Storage System for Light Duty Vehicles

Project code:  EA 061C

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