report(s) found: 570
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Environmental compatibility of Kuwait's modern movement architecture.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Alghimlas, Fareed.

Subject(s):  Historic buildings ,  Designs ,  Data collection ,  Electricity consumption ,  Electric lighting ,  Kuwait fund. ,  Sustainability. ,  TAC. ,  EUI. ,  Daylight. ,  الصندوق الكويتي ,  استدامة ,  TAC. ,  مؤشر استخدام الطاقة ,  الأضاءة الطبيعية

Project(s):  Environmental Compatibility of Kuwait's Modern Movement Architecture

Project code:  EU 054G

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Testing and qualifying of cement polymer mixture for paved roads and highways.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Jayasree, C

Subject(s):  Polymer ,  Polymer asphalt ,  Roads ,  Mechanical properties ,  Sand ,  Heat aging. ,  Mechanical properties. ,  Chemical aging. ,  خليط البوليمر الأسمنتي ,  الخصائص المكانيكية ,  مقاومة الأحماض

Project(s):  Testing & Qualifying of Cement Polymer Mixture for Paved Roads & Highways

Project code:  EU 045S

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Creating a soil-database for new Al-Wafra city


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Mosawi, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Soil ,  Chemicals ,  Chemicals ,  Standard penetration test (SPT). ,  N-value. ,  Borehole log. ,  Bearing capacity. ,  قاعدة بيانات التربة ,  اختيار الاختراق القياسي ,  القيمة القياسية ,  سجل البئر ,  سعة التحمل

Project(s):  Creating a Soil-Database for New Al-Wafra City

Project code:  EU 057G

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District cooling system design guidelines for Al Khairan new residential city


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Hajiah, Ali.

Subject(s):  Energy conservation ,  Energy conservation ,  Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme ,  Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme ,  Energy efficiency ,  Peak power reduction ,  Chilled water system ,  Thermal energy storage ,  كفاءة الطاقة ,  خفض الحمل الكهربائي ,  نظام التبرد المائي ,  الخزانات الحرارية

Project(s):  District Cooling System Design Guidelines for Al-Khairan New Residential City

Project code:  EU 044S

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Assessment of the Electromagnetic Field Around the Electrical Secondary Transformers in Schools and Residential Area.


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Bassam, Eatdal.

Subject(s):  Electricity ,  Electromagnetic fields ,  Scools ,  Residential buildings ,  Health ,  Protection ,  Health effect. ,  Guidelines. ,  Residential houses. ,  المخاطرالصحية ,  مبادئ توجيهية ,  المنازل السكنية

Project(s):  Assessment of the Electromagnetic Field around the Electrical Secondary Transformers in Residential Areas & Schools

Project code:  EU 058C

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Structural evaluation and reliability-based analysis of Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Yaqoub, Thamer.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Concrete ,  Building ,  Building ,  Reinforced concrete. ,  Expansion joints. ,  Structural analysis. ,  Support settlement.

Project(s):  Structural Evaluation & Reliability-Base Analysis of Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium

Project code:  EU 082K

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Fabrication of nano silicaparticles from Kuwaiti local sand for application in cement-based industry


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Otaibi, S.

Subject(s):  Nanotechnology ,  Nanotechnolgy ,  Nanotechnolgy. ,  Top-down Approach. ,  High-abd kiw-energy ball milling. ,  Nanoparticles. ,  Silica particles. ,  Nano Fillers. ,  تكنولوجيا النانو. ,  اسلوب التصغير من أعلى الى أسفل. ,  المطاحن ذات الكرات عالية ومنخفضة القدرة. ,  الحبيبات النانونية. ,  حبيبات السيلكا. ,  المالئات النانونية.

Project(s):  Fabrication of Nano Silica Particles from Kuwaiti Local Sand for Application in Cement Based Industry

Project code:  EU 077K

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Concise report on field and laboratory testing program to assess the durability of concrete treated with chemical inhibitors :


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 4

Contributor(s):  Abdul Salam, S

Subject(s):  Concrete construction ,  Concrete consturction ,  Corrosion and anti-corrosive ,  Corrosion and anti-corrosive ,  Compressive Strength. ,  Corrosion Potential. ,  Electrochemical Impedance. ,  Chloride Diffusivity. ,  القوة الأنضغاطية. ,  جهد الآكل. ,  المقاومة الألكتروكيميائية. ,  تغلغل ايونات الكلوريد.

Project(s):  Assessment of the Durability & Corrosion Behavior of Concrete Treated with Chemical Inhibitors for Kuwait Oil Company

Project code:  EU 078C

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Design of a sustainable, low-energy, traditional Kuwaiti house, Phase I


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Alghimlas, Fareed.

Subject(s):  Engineering ,  Engineering ,  Buildings ,  Buildings ,  Electricity ,  Electricity

Project(s):  Design of Sustainable, Low-Energy, Traditional Kuwait House – Phase I

Project code:  EU 073C

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التحقق من السلامة والإعتمادية الإنشائية لمبنى الخطوط الجوية الكويتية فى شارع الهلالى، مجلد رقم 3/4، ملحق رقم 7 ، 8


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Sakka, Zafer.

Subject(s):  Buidling materials ,  Building materilas ,  Infrastructure risk ,  Infrastructure riskl ,  Structural reliability. ,  Concret design. ,  Structural analysis. ,  Geotechnical engineering. ,  Constructuin materials. ,  Destructive and non-destructive materials testing. ,  Site Investigation. ,  هندسة الأعتمادية. ,  تصميم المنشآت الخرسانية. ,  تحليل انشائى. ,  هندسة التربة. ,  مواد البناء. ,  فحص المواد بالطرق الهدامة و غير الهدامة. ,  فحص ميدانى.

Project(s):  Reliability, Safety & Integrity of Existing Structural System for Kuwait Airways Building at Al-Hilali Street

Project code:  EU 080K

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Implementation of demand side management and Photovoltaic systems for schools in Kuwait : work progress in the implementation of demand side management system for school at Mubarak alkabir educational area.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 8

Contributor(s):  Al Mulla, Ahmad.

Subject(s):  Schools ,  Energy ,  Devices ,  Demand management ,  smart phones ,  Occupancy sensors. ,  Power meter. ,  Regional operating center. ,  اجهزة الأستشعار ,  أجهزة قياس استهلاك الطاقة ,  مركز التحكم الفرعي

Project(s):  Integrated Energy Demand Side Management & Photovoltaic Systems for Schools in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 070C

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Design of a sustainalbe, low-energy, traditional Kuwaiti house, Phase I


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Alghimals, Fareed.

Subject(s):  Engineering ,  Engineering design ,  Electricity ,  Electricity-consumption ,  Passive design. ,  Active design. ,  Energy simulation. ,  Residential sector. ,  تصميم سلبى. ,  تصميم فعال. ,  محاكاة الطاقة. ,  القطاع السكنى.

Project(s):  Design of Sustainable, Low-Energy, Traditional Kuwait House – Phase I

Project code:  EU 073C

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