report(s) found: 570
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Focus area a Nano Engineered construction materials for durability in aggressive environment in Kuwait.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al-Bahar, Souad.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  The mixture Cemented ,  Raw materials ,  Chemical properties ,  Volcanic ash ,  Micro and nano additves. ,  Volcanic Ash. ,  Hydration. ,  Morphology. ,  Physical and mechanical properties. ,  Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). ,  الرماد البركاني ,  المونه والملاط الأسمنتي ,  تركيب ميكروسكوبي ونانوني ,  مورفولوجيا تحليلية ,  الخصائص الفزيائية والكيميائية ,  طيف التعويق الكهروكيميائي

Project(s):  Sustainability of Kuwait Built Environment

Project code:  EU 089C

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Life expectancy assessment of existing highway bridge systems


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Assakkaf, Ibrahim.

Subject(s):  Bridge ,  Bridge ,  Building ,  Building ,  Highway bridges. ,  Reliability analysis. ,  Structural reliability. ,  Reliability index.

Project(s):  Life Expectancy Assessment of Existing Highway Bridge Systems

Project code:  EU 088K

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Sustainability of Kuwait Built Environment Nanoengineered Construction Materials for Durability in Aggressive Environments,


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Bahar, Souad.

Subject(s):  Cement ,  Cement ,  Concrete construction ,  Concrete construction ,  Sustainable Development ,  Sustainable Development ,  Climate Change ,  Climate Change ,  Health Facilities ,  Health Facilities ,  Construction Materials ,  Construction Materials ,  Nanocement. ,  Electrochemical Impedence. ,  Rheology. ,  هندسة نانونية ,  المستوى الجزيئي النانوني ,  الاسمنت ,  الاستدامة ,  المسح الطيفي الكهروكيميائي ,  قياس اللزوجة

Project(s):  Sustainability of Kuwait Built Environment

Project code:  EU 089C

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Focus area a Nano Engineered construction materials for durability in aggressive environment in Kuwait.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 4

Contributor(s):  Al Bahar, Soad.

Subject(s):  Building materials ,  Concrete ,  The mixture Cemented ,  Raw materials ,  Micro and additives ,  Volcanic Ash ,  Hydration ,  Morphology ,  Physical ,  Mechanical and durability properties ,  Electrchemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) ,  الرماد البركاني ,  المونه والملاط الاسمنتي ,  تركيب ميكروسكوبي ونانوني ,  مورفولوجيا تحليلية ,  الخصائص الفزيائية والميكانيكية ,  طيف التعويق الكهروكيميائي

Project(s):  Sustainability of Kuwait Built Environment

Project code:  EU 089C

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Sustainability of Kuwait's built environment enhanced operational energy efficiency and life cycle performance of buildings and neighborhoods in Kuwait innovation in energy-based design for sustainability


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Hauiah, Ali Ebraheem.

Subject(s):  Energy efficiency ,  Buildings ,  Buildings ,  Energy efficiency ,  Sustainable buildings. ,  Low energy buildings and neighborhoods. ,  Urban modeling interface. ,  Building design practice. ,  Energy code. ,  Embodied energy. ,  Carbon emission.

Project(s):  Sustainability of Kuwait's Built Environment Enhanced Operational Energy Efficiency & Life Cycle Performance of Buildings & Neighborhoods in Kuwait Innovation in Energy-Based Design for Sustainability

Project code:  EU 090C

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Measurement and characterization of solar irradiance and climatological factors for assessing solar conversion technology in Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Rasheedi, Majed.

Subject(s):  Solar radiation ,  solar power ,  energy resources ,  Climate ,  Solar resource assessment. ,  Smarts. ,  Global irradiance. ,  Direct irradiance. ,  Kuwait. ,  الطاقة الشمسية ,  سنه احوال جوية نموذجية ,  الشقايا

Project(s):  Measurement & Characterization of Solar Irradiance & Climatological Factors for Assessing Solar Conversion Technology in Kuwait

Project code:  EA 063C

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Development of solar energy systems to meet Kuwait oil sector requirements - Phase 2: Pilot scale assessment of PV technologies.


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Hadban, Yahya.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Solar energy ,  Environment ,  Gas pipeline ,  Renewable energy ,  Hydrocarbon ,  Climate ,  Photovoltaic. ,  KPC. ,  Grid connected. ,  خلايا كهروضوئية ,  مؤسسة

Project(s):  Development of Solar Energy Systems to Meet Kuwait Oil Sector Requirements

Project code:  EA 045C

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Indoor radon concentration measurement and dose assessment in Kisr's buildings.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Abdulrahmeen, Basheer.

Subject(s):  Radiation ,  Radon ,  Atomic Energy ,  Nuclear Energy ,  Buildings ,  Building materials ,  Rn. ,  SSNTD. ,  Rn dose assessment. ,  Rn mitigation. ,  CR- 39. ,  غازالرادون Rn222. ,  واشف الأثر النووي ,  القياسات الإشعاعية لغاز الرادون ,  طرق الوقاية من غاز الرادون

Project(s):  Indoor Radon Concentration Measurement & Dose Assessment in KISR’s Buildings

Project code:  EA 044G

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Development of renewable energy systems to meet Kuwait oil sector requirements phase 2 :


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al-Qattan, Ayman.

Subject(s):  Solar thermal energy ,  Solar thermal energy ,  Renewable energy. ,  Solar thermal. ,  Crude oil. ,  Pilot plant. ,  طاقة متجددة. ,  وحدة نمطية. ,  بترول خام.

Project(s):  Development of Renewable Energy Technologies to Meet Kuwait Oil Sector Requirements

Project code:  EA 044C

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Assessment of Mo- 99/ Tc- 99m production to meet Kuwait's needs.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ali, Nasser.

Subject(s):  Nuclear medicine ,  HEU ,  Radiation ,  Uranium ,  percentage ,  Production of Mo- 99. ,  consumption of Tc- 99m. ,  ministry of health (MOH). ,  forecast. ,  انتاج مادة Mo- 99. ,  استهلاك مادة Tc- 99 ,  وزارة الصحة (MOH). ,  توقعات

Project(s):  Assessment of Mo- 99/ Tc- 99m Production to Meet Kuwait's Needs

Project code:  EA 043G

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Development of renewable energy technologies to meet Kuwait oil sector requirements Phase2: Pilot Assessment of solar thermal applications


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Qattan, Ayman.

Subject(s):  solar power ,  Thermal energy ,  Hydrocarbons ,  Petroleum ,  Renewable energy. ,  Solar thermal. ,  Crude oil. ,  Pilot plant. ,  طاقة متجددة ,  حرارية ,  بترول خام ,  وحدة نمطية

Project(s):  Development of Renewable Energy Technologies to Meet Kuwait Oil Sector Requirements

Project code:  EA 044C

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Integration of distributed electricity generation resources for sustainable future power grid


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Qabazard, Adel.

Subject(s):  Electricity generation ,  Energy ,  Power ,  grid

Project(s):  Integration of Distributed Electricity Generation Resources for Sustainable Future Power Grid

Project code:  EA 042K

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