report(s) found: 2
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Application of Oxygen Ultrafine Bubbles in Closed Recirculation Aquaculture System for Hamoor (Epinephelus Coioides) Grow-Out x

Application of oxygen ultrafine bubbles in closed recirculation aquaculture system for hamoor (Epinephelus coioides) grow-out


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Kawahara, Shogo

Subject(s):  Oxygen ,  Oxygen ,  Environmental psychology ,  Environmental psychology ,  Ultrafine bubble ,  Hamoor ,  Closed recirculation aquaculture system ,  Oxygen ,  فقاعات الاكسجين الدقيقة ,  أسماك الهامور ,  نظام إعادة تدوير المياه ,  الاكسجين

Project(s):  Application of Oxygen Ultrafine Bubbles in Closed Recirculation Aquaculture System for Hamoor (Epinephelus Coioides) Grow-Out

Project code:  FM 108K

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Application of oxygen ultrafine bubbles in closed recirculation aquaculture system for hamoor (Epinephelus coioides) grow-out


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Kawahara, S.

Subject(s):  oxygen ,  oxygen ,  Environmental psychology ,  Environmental psychology ,  تربية الأسماك ,  نظام تدوير الماء ,  فقاعات متناهية في الصغر ,  أكسجين مذاب ,  نمو ,  Oxygen ,  Ultrafine bubble ,  grouper ,  Growth ,  Sterilization ,  RAS

Project(s):  Application of Oxygen Ultrafine Bubbles in Closed Recirculation Aquaculture System for Hamoor (Epinephelus Coioides) Grow-Out

Project code:  FM 108K

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