report(s) found: 3
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Assessment of Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality at Oil Sector Complex Building x

Assessment of indoor/outdoor air quality at oil sector complex building


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Rashidi, Mufareh.

Subject(s):  Metals ,  Metals ,  Trace elements ,  Trace elements ,  Environmental protection ,  Environmental protection ,  الجسيمات العالقة بالهواء ,  Particulate matter ,  Trace metal ,  Volatile organic compounds ,  Sick building syndrome ,  المعادن النزرة ,  المركبات العضوية المتطايرة ,  متلازمة المباني المريضة

Project(s):  Assessment of Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality at Oil Sector Complex Building

Project code:  EM 073C

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Assessment of indoor/outdoor air quality at oil sector complex building


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Rashidi, Mufareh.

Subject(s):  Metals ,  Trace elements ,  Environmental protection ,  Air quality ,  Particulate matter. ,  Trace metals. ,  Volatile organic compounds. ,  Sick building syndrome (SBS). ,  الجسيمات العالقة بالهواء ,  المعادن النزرة ,  المركبات العضوية المتطايرة ,  متلازمي المباني المريضة(SBS)

Project(s):  Assessment of Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality at Oil Sector Complex Building

Project code:  EM 073C

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Assessment of indoor.outdoor air quality at the oil sector complex building (air quality modeling)


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Rashidi, Muferh.

Subject(s):  Air ,  Power ,  Air quality model. ,  Traffic emission. ,  Power plant emission. ,  Gas trubine units. ,  Building downwash. ,  النماذج الرياضية لجودة الهواء ,  الأنبعاثات من الطريق ,  الأنبعاث من محطات القوى ,  وحدات التوربينات الغازية ,  تأثير المباني المرتفعة لحبس الملوثات

Project(s):  Assessment of Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality at Oil Sector Complex Building

Project code:  EM 073C

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