report(s) found: 1
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Combined field and laboratory experiments to enhance the understanding of 210Po and 210Pb transfer in marine food WEBS x

Combined field and laboratory experiments to enhance the understanding of 210Po and 210Pb transfer in marine food webs


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Behbehani, Montaha

Subject(s):  Climate ,  Climate ,  Seafood ,  Seafood ,  الأنسجة الصالحة للأكل ,  الفضلات ,  الرخويات ,  الطحالب الكبيرة ,  الأسماك ,  التوافر البيولوجي ,  Edible tissue ,  fecal matter ,  molluscs ,  Macroalgae

Project(s):  Combined field and laboratory experiments to enhance the understanding of 210Po and 210Pb transfer in marine food WEBS

Project code:  EM 111C

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