report(s) found: 5
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Development of Nutritional and Biodegradable Product to Improve Stability and Fertility of Sandy Soil x

Development of nutritional and biodegradable product to improve stability and fertility of sandy soil


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Burezq, Hanaa Adel

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Soil fertility ,  Sandy soil ,  Waste ,  Biodegradable product ,  Specialty chemicals ,  Biochar ,  Alfalfa ,  Yield ,  Cost ,  مركب عضوي قابل للتحلل ,  مواد كيميائية خاصة ,  بيوشار ,  البرسيم ,  محصول ,  تكلفة

Project(s):  Development of Nutritional and Biodegradable Product to Improve Stability and Fertility of Sandy Soil

Project code:  FA 159C

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Development of nutritional and biodegradable product to improve stability and fertility of sandy soil


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Burezq, Hanaa Adel.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Soil fertility ,  Sandy soil ,  Waste ,  بيوشار ,  المخلفات الزراعية والحيوانية ,  تحسين تركيبة التربة الرملية ,  تقييم ,  معدل النمو ,  Biochar ,  Plant and animal wastes ,  Improve structure of sandy soil ,  Evaluation ,  Growth Rate

Project(s):  Development of Nutritional and Biodegradable Product to Improve Stability and Fertility of Sandy Soil

Project code:  FA 159C

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Development of nutritional and biodegradable product to improve stability and fertility of sand soil


Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Burezq, Hanaa Adel.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Soil fertility ,  Sandy soil ,  Waste ,  البيوشار ,  قدرة التربة علي الأحتفاظ بالماء ,  المخلفات العضوية مثل مخلفات النبات و الحيوان ,  تحسين تركيبة التربة الرملية ,  Biochar ,  Water holding capacity ,  Plant and animal wastes ,  Improve strcture of soil

Project(s):  Development of Nutritional and Biodegradable Product to Improve Stability and Fertility of Sandy Soil

Project code:  FA 159C

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Development of nutritional and bio-degradable product to improve stability and fertility of sandy soil


Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Burezq, Hanaa Adel.

Subject(s):  Plastics industry and trade ,  Plastics industry and trade ,  Sandy soils ,  Sandy soils ,  Environmental protection ,  Environmental protection ,  مواد قادرة على التحلل ,  ثبات التربة ,  قدرة التربة على الاحتفاظ بالماء ,  المخلفات ,  biodegradable-product ,  Sandy soil stability ,  Water holding capacity

Project(s):  Development of Nutritional and Biodegradable Product to Improve Stability and Fertility of Sandy Soil

Project code:  FA 159C

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Development of nutritional and biodegradable product to improve stability and fertility of sandy soil /


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Abu Rezq, Hanaa.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Environment ,  Biodegradable. ,  Sandy soil stability. ,  Water holding capacity. ,  Wastes. ,  مواد قادرة على التحلل ,  ثبات التربة الرملية ,  قدرة التربة على الأحتفاظ بالماء ,  المخلفات

Project(s):  Development of Nutritional and Biodegradable Product to Improve Stability and Fertility of Sandy Soil

Project code:  FA 159C

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