report(s) found: 1
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Development of an Environmental Decision Support System for Radio-Ecologically Sensitive Areas in Kuwait x

Development of an environmental decision support system for Radio-Ecologically sensitive areas in Kuwait Phase I:


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Aba, Abdulaziz.

Subject(s):  Database ,  Nuclear Energy ,  Radioactive pollution ,  The environment ,  مناخ المناطق الجافة ,  نظام نظام دعم أتخاذ القرار ,  نمذجة إشعاعية إيكولوجية ,  الإيكولوجية الإشعاعية ,  Arid climate ,  EDSS ,  Radioecological modeling ,  Radioecology

Project(s):  Development of an Environmental Decision Support System for Radio-Ecologically Sensitive Areas in Kuwait

Project code:  EC 100K

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