report(s) found: 5
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Genetic Characterization of Naeemi Breed and Investigations of their Life-Time Performance x

Genetic characterization of Naeemi breed and investigations of their life-time performance


KISR Report

Proposal Amendment A

Contributor(s):  Abbas, S.

Subject(s):  Strains ,  Strains ,  Nutrition ,  Nutrition ,  Genetic Speciation ,  Genetic Speciation ,  الجيل الجديد من التتابع الجيني ,  الانتقاء ,  الانتاج ,  Next generation sequencing ,  SNP ,  Selection ,  Reproduction

Project(s):  Genetic Characterization of Naeemi Breed and Investigations of their Life-Time Performance

Project code:  FA 131C

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Genetic characterization of Naeemi breed and investigations of their life-time performance


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Abbas, Samira.

Subject(s):  Sheep ,  Strains ,  Nutrition ,  Genetic Speciation ,  Dna ,  Parity ,  Fertility ,  Milk yield ,  الحمض النووي ,  مرحلة الولادة ,  الإنتاج ,  الحليب المنتج

Project(s):  Genetic Characterization of Naeemi Breed and Investigations of their Life-Time Performance

Project code:  FA 131C

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Genetic characterization of Naeemi breed and investigations of their life-time performance

KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Abbas, Samira.

Subject(s):  Sheep ,  Environment ,  Dna. ,  Parity. ,  Perinatal. ,  Lactation. ,  الحمض النووي ,  مرحلة الولادة ,  مرحلة ماقبل الولادة ,  الرضاعة

Project(s):  Genetic Characterization of Naeemi Breed and Investigations of their Life-Time Performance

Project code:  FA 131C

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Genetic characterization of Naeemi breed and investigations of their life time performance


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Abbas, Sameera.

Subject(s):  Cattle ,  Genetics ,  DNA ,  The climate ,  الجيل الجديد من التتابع الجيني ,  SNP ,  الأنتقاء ,  الإنتاج ,  Next generation sequencing. ,  SNP. ,  Selection. ,  Reproduction.

Project(s):  Genetic Characterization of Naeemi Breed and Investigations of their Life-Time Performance

Project code:  FA 131K

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Genetic charaterization of Naeeemi Breed and investigations of their life-time performance /


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Abbas, Samira.

Subject(s):  Genetic ,  Livestock ,  Next generation sequencing. ,  SNP. ,  Selection. ,  Reoroduction. ,  الجيل الجديد من التتابع الجيني ,  الأنتقاء ,  الأنتاج

Project(s):  Genetic Characterization of Naeemi Breed and Investigations of their Life-Time Performance

Project code:  FA 131C

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