report(s) found: 5
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Health Risk Assessment of Toxic Air Contaminants in the State of Kuwait - Phase 1: Southern Sector of Kuwait x

Health risk assessment of toxic air contaminants in the state of Kuwait (Phase 1: souther sector of Kuwait)


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Yassin, M.F.

Subject(s):  Air sampling apparatus ,  Air sampling apparatus ,  Air ,  Air ,  نظم المعلومات الجغرافية ,  ملوثات الهواء السامة ,  نماذج عددية ,  عينات من الهواء ,  المخاطر الصحية ,  المناطق الصناعية ,  GIS ,  TACs ,  Air sampling ,  Numerical models ,  Health risk assessment ,  Industrial area

Project(s):  Health Risk Assessment of Toxic Air Contaminants in the State of Kuwait - Phase 1: Southern Sector of Kuwait

Project code:  EC 107C

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Health risk assessment of toxic air contaminants in the state of Kuwait (Phase 1: southern sector of Kuwait)


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Yassin, Mohamed

Subject(s):  Pollutants ,  Health ,  Environment ,  Atmosphere ,  الأحوال الجوية ,  مصادر الانبعاثات ,  النماذج العددية ,  المناطق السكنية ,  ملوثات الهواء السامة ,  Atmospheric conditions ,  Emission sources ,  Numerical models ,  Residential area ,  TACs

Project(s):  Health Risk Assessment of Toxic Air Contaminants in the State of Kuwait - Phase 1: Southern Sector of Kuwait

Project code:  EC 107C

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Health risk assessment of toxic air contaminants in the state of Kuwait (Phase 1: southern sector of Kuwait)/


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Yassin, Mohamed

Subject(s):  Pollutants ,  Health ,  Environment ,  Atmosphere ,  الاحوال الجوية ,  مصادر الانبعاثات ,  النماذج العددية ,  المناطق السكنية ,  ملوثات الهواء السامة ,  Atmospheric conditions ,  Emission sources ,  Numerical models ,  Residential area ,  TACs

Project(s):  Health Risk Assessment of Toxic Air Contaminants in the State of Kuwait - Phase 1: Southern Sector of Kuwait

Project code:  EC 107C

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Health risk assessment of toxic air contaminants in the state of Kuwait (Phase 1: southern sector of Kuwait)/


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Yassin, Mohamed

Subject(s):  Pollutants ,  Health ,  Environment ,  Atmosphere ,  الأحوال الجوية ,  مصادر الأنبعاثات ,  النماذج العددية ,  المناطق السكنية ,  ملوثات الهواء السامة ,  Atmospheric conditions ,  Emission sources ,  Numerical models ,  Residential area ,  TACs

Project(s):  Health Risk Assessment of Toxic Air Contaminants in the State of Kuwait - Phase 1: Southern Sector of Kuwait

Project code:  EC 107C

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Health risk assessment of toxic air contaminants in the state of Kuwait (Phase 1: souther sector of Kuwait)/


KISR Report

Progress Report No.1

Contributor(s):  Yassin, M. F.

Subject(s):  Pollution ,  Pollution ,  Residential areas ,  Residential areas ,  نماذج عددية ,  المناطق السكنية ,  ملوثات الهواء السامة ,  Numerical models ,  Residential area ,  TACs

Project(s):  Health Risk Assessment of Toxic Air Contaminants in the State of Kuwait - Phase 1: Southern Sector of Kuwait

Project code:  EC 107C

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