report(s) found: 3
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Improving Production and Water Use Efficiency of Forage Crops with Nuclear Techniques x

Improving production and water use efficiency of forage crops with nuclear techniques


KISR Report

Revised Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, Habibah

Subject(s):  Crops ,  Feed ,  Fertilisers ,  barley ,  كفاءة استخدام النيتروجين ,  الشعير ,  الحراثة ,  إضافة مغطيات التربة العضوية ,  Nitrogen use efficiency ,  Barley ,  tillage ,  mulching

Project(s):  Improving Production and Water Use Efficiency of Forage Crops with Nuclear Techniques

Project code:  FA 166C

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Improving production and water use efficiency of forage crops with nuclear techniques


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, Habibah

Subject(s):  Crops ,  Feed ,  Fertilisers ,  barley ,  نظائر ,  الري ,  السماد ,  Isotopes ,  Irrigation ,  Fertilization

Project(s):  Improving Production and Water Use Efficiency of Forage Crops with Nuclear Techniques

Project code:  FA 166C

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Improving production and water use efficiency of forage crops with nuclear techniques



Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, Habibah

Subject(s):  Crops ,  Feed ,  Fertilisers ,  barley ,  نظائر مستقرة ,  إدارة استخدام النيتروجين ,  Stable Isotopes ,  Nitrogen management

Project(s):  Improving Production and Water Use Efficiency of Forage Crops with Nuclear Techniques

Project code:  FA 166C

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