report(s) found: 1
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Microbial Ecosystem of Mangrove Sediments and its bioremediation potential x

Microbial Ecosystem of Mangrove Sediments and its bioremediation potential


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Akbar, Abrar

Subject(s):  mangrove plants ,  mangrove plants ,  mangrove Ecologys ,  mangrove Ecologys ,  mangrove plant ,  Metagenomics ,  poly aromatic hydrocarbon ,  bioraugmentation ,  تسلسل الجيوم ,  نبات القرم ,  مركبات متعددة الحلقات ,  زيادة الحيوية

Project(s):  Microbial Ecosystem of Mangrove Sediments and its bioremediation potential

Project code:  FB 164C

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