report(s) found: 3
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Multiplication and Molecular Characterization of Acacia Pachyceras (Talha)- A Native Tree of Kuwait x

Multiplication and molecular characterization of acacia pachyceras (Talha)- a native tree of Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Habibi, Nazima

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Desert plants ,  Seeds ,  Tree ,  أنواع الأشجار ,  الحفظ ,  علم تطور السلالات ,  العلامات الجزيئية ,  تكاثر النبات في المختبر ,  الجينوم ,  Tree species ,  conservation ,  Phylogeny ,  Molecular markers ,  in vitro propagation ,  genome

Project(s):  Multiplication and Molecular Characterization of Acacia Pachyceras (Talha)- A Native Tree of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 134C

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Multiplication and molecular characterization of acacia pachyceras (Talha)- a native tree of Kuwait


KISR Report

Annual Report

Contributor(s):  Habibi, Nazima

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Desert plants ,  Seeds ,  Plants ,  تسلسل كامل الجينوم ,  القطع الجزعي ,  العلامات الجزيئية ,  الزراعة النسيجية ,  Whole genome sequencing ,  Stem cuttings ,  SS markers ,  in vitro propagation

Project(s):  Multiplication and Molecular Characterization of Acacia Pachyceras (Talha)- A Native Tree of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 134C

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Multiplication and molecular characterization of acacia pachyceras (Talha)- a native tree of Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Habibi, Nazima

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Desert plants ,  Seeds ,  تسلسل كامل الجينوم ,  القطع الجزعي ,  العلامات الجزيئية ,  الزراعة النسيجية ,  Whole genome sequencing ,  Stem cuttings ,  Molecular markers ,  Tissue Culture ,  PCR

Project(s):  Multiplication and Molecular Characterization of Acacia Pachyceras (Talha)- A Native Tree of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 134C

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