report(s) found: 1
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Performance of Some Forage Crops under Different Cropping Systems x

Performance of some forage crops under different cropping systems


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, Habeeba.

Subject(s):  Crops ,  Fodder ,  Soils ,  Salinity ,  تقييم انتاج الأعلاف ,  جودة العلف ,  مخاليط الأعلاف ,  كفاءة أستخدام المياه ,  Forage production. ,  Forage quality and yield. ,  Mixed cropping systems. ,  Water use efficiency.

Project(s):  Performance of Some Forage Crops under Different Cropping Systems

Project code:  FA 120C

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