report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Estimation of pm 2.5 concentrations using misr and modis satellite data and spatio temporal variations of chemicals associated with fine particulate matter.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Sandstorms ,  Vegetation ,  Grained ,  Sediment ,  Satellites ,  Remote Sensing. ,  Aerosols. ,  AOD. ,  Human Health. ,  الأستشعار عن بعد ,  الحبيبات الناعمة ,  المقطع العمودي للحبيبات(AOD) ,  صحة الأنسان

Project(s):  Estimation of PM2.5 Concentrations using MISR & MODIS Satellite Data and Spatio Temporal Variations of Chemicals Associated with Fine Particulate Matter

Project code:  EM 063K

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PAHs and cytochrome P450 in yellowfin seabream from Kuwait Marine waters.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Beg, Merza.

Subject(s):  Marine Environment ,  Hydrocarbons ,  Pollutants ,  organisms ,  المركبات الهيدروكربونية العطرية ,  العمليات الأيضية ,  نواتج الأيض الصفراوية ,  تقنية الأيرود ,  الأسماك وجون الكويت ,  PAHs metabolites. ,  Bile excretion. ,  EROD. ,  Fish. ,  Kuwait bay.

Project(s):  PAHs & Cytochrome P450 in Yellowfin Seabream from Kuwait Marine Waters

Project code:  EM 064K

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Effect of estrogen mimics on calcium carbonate excretion rate of native fish of Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Jandal, Noura.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Marine fisheries ,  Calcium carbonate ,  Estrogen ,  Endocrine ,  Egg proteins ,  Sea bream. ,  Ethinylestradiol. ,  Vitellogenin. ,  Immunohistochemistry. ,  Western blot. ,  Gonadosomatic index. ,  Hepatosomatic index. ,  ELISA. ,  الشعم ,  الإثنايل إسترادايول ,  بروتين البيض ,  تقنية كيمياء الأنسجة المناعية ,  اللطخة الغربية ,  مؤشر النضج الجنسي ,  المؤشر الكبدي ,  تقنية الإليايزا

Project(s):  Effect of Estrogen Mimics on Calcium Carbonate Excretion Rate of Native Fish of Kuwait Shaem Sea Bream

Project code:  EM 061K

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Spatial and temporal variations in the atmospheric concentrations of the newly listed chemicals in the stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Gevao, Bondi.

Subject(s):  Chemicals ,  Chemicals ,  Variations ,  Variations

Project(s):  Spatial & Temporal Variations in the Atmospheric Concentrations of the Newly Listed Chemicals in the "Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants"

Project code:  EM 056C

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Spatial, temporal and economic loss assessment of sewage pollution of Kuwaits costal areas using fecal sterols as biomarkers.


Final Report (Revised)

Contributor(s):  Saeed, Talat.

Subject(s):  Pollution ,  Sewage ,  Marine Environment ,  Tides ,  Soil contamination ,  Surface sediment. ,  Core samples. ,  Sterol analysis. ,  Fecal contamination. ,  Economic loss. ,  عينات سطحية ,  عينات رئيسية ,  تلوث بالمركبات العضوية ,  جون الكويت ,  تقدير الخسائر

Project(s):  Spatial, Temporal & Economic Loss Assessment of Sewage Pollution of Kuwait Coastal Areas using Fecal Sterols as biomarkers

Project code:  EM 060C

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Effect of estrogen mimics on calcium carbonate excretion rate of native fish of Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Jandal, N.

Subject(s):  Calcium carbonate. ,  Calcium carbonate. ,  Calcium carbonate. ,  Estrogen mimics ,  Estrogen mimics ,  Estrogen mimics ,  Osmoregulation. ,  Calcium Carbonate. ,  17a-ethinylestradiol.

Project(s):  Effect of Estrogen Mimics on Calcium Carbonate Excretion Rate of Native Fish of Kuwait Shaem Sea Bream

Project code:  EM 061K

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Spatial and temporal variations in the atmospheric concentrations of the newly listed chemicals in the Stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Gevao, Bondy.

Subject(s):  Persistent pollutants ,  Analysis ,  Temporal databases ,  Spatial data ,  Chemicals ,  Atmospheric ,  Air sampling ,  Environmental pollution. ,  PBDE. ,  Air sampling. ,  Spatial mapping. ,  Diurnal variability. ,  التلوث البيئي ,  تجميع عينات الهواء ,  رسم الخرائط المكانية ,  المتغيرات الزمانية

Project(s):  Spatial & Temporal Variations in the Atmospheric Concentrations of the Newly Listed Chemicals in the "Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants"

Project code:  EM 056C

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Spatial and temporal assessment of sewage pollution of Kuwaits coastal areas using fecal sterols as Biomarkers.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Saeed, Talat.

Subject(s):  Pollution ,  Pollution ,  Sewag Purification ,  Sewag Purification ,  Sewag ,  Sewag ,  Surface sediment. ,  Core samples. ,  Sterol analysis. ,  Fecal contamination. ,  Kuwait bay. ,  عينات سطحية ,  عينات رئيسية ,  تلوث بالمركبات العضوية ,  جون الكويت

Project(s):  Spatial & Temporal Assessment of Sewage Pollution of Kuwait Coastal Areas using Fecal Sterols as Biomarkers

Project code:  EM 052K

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Spatial, temporal and economic loss assessment of sewage pollution of Kuwait coastal areas using fecal sterols as biomarkers


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Saeed, Talat.

Subject(s):  Sewage ,  Sewage ,  Polution ,  Pollution ,  Toxic ,  Toxic ,  Sewage discharge. ,  Toxic Substances. ,  Coastal Eutrophication. ,  GC/ MS ,  الجهد البيئي ,  النماء الطحلبي ,  التوزيع الزماني والمكاني للملوثات

Project(s):  Spatial, Temporal & Economic Loss Assessment of Sewage Pollution of Kuwait Coastal Areas using Fecal Sterols as biomarkers

Project code:  EM 060C

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Effects of Kuwait crude oil on the behavior of sobaity sea bream (sparidentex hasta)


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Karam, Qusaie.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Petroleum ,  Sea water ,  Fish Toximeter. ,  WAF. ,  Fish fingerlings. ,  Swimming speed. ,  Toxicity index. ,  النفط الخام ,  سلوك الأسماك ,  جهاز قياس سمية الأسماك

Project(s):  Effects of Kuwait Crude Oil on the Behavior of Sobaity Sea Bream (Sparidentex Hasta)

Project code:  EM 054C

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Baseline concentration of radionuclides in Kuwait's marine environment


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Sea food ,  Sea food ,  Fish ,  Fish ,  Fish protein concentrate ,  Fish protein concentrate ,  SOP's. ,  Sr. ,  CS. ,  PO. ,  اجراءات التشغيل القياسية. ,  سترنشيوم 90. ,  سيزيوم 137. ,  بولونيوم 210.

Project(s):  Baseline Concentration of Radiouclide's in Kuwait's Marine Environment

Project code:  EM 058K

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Investigating biodegradable bags standards and properties under Kuwait's environmental conditions :


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Salem, Sultan

Subject(s):  Climate conditions ,  Climate conditions ,  Soil ,  Soil ,  Industry ,  Industry ,  Biodegradable plastic bags ,  Waste ,  Landfill ,  Weathering ,  Haze ,  TGA ,  أكياس بلاستيكية قابلة للتحلل البيولوجي ,  النفاية ,  المرادم ,  التجوية ,  مقياس الاغبرارية ,  الفقدان الوزني

Project(s):  Investigating Biodegradable Bags Standards and Properties under Kuwait's Environmental Conditions

Project code:  EM 097C

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