report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Biodiversity and taxonomy of Kuwait's marine benthic dinoflagellates (Microalgae).


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Rashed, Wafa.

Subject(s):  Marine Environment ,  Algae ,  Trace metal ,  Microalgal ,  Phytoplankton ,  العوالق النباتية ,  الطحالب ,  كثافة ,  الكتلة الحية ,  Phytoplankton. ,  Algae. ,  Density. ,  Biomass.

Project(s):  Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Kuwait's Marine Benthic Dinoflagellates (Microalgae) – Phase I

Project code:  FM 087K

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Biodiversity and taxonomy of Kuwait's marine benthic dinoflagellates (Microalgae) Phaase I


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Rashed, Wafaa.

Subject(s):  Marine Environment ,  Algae ,  Sea water ,  Sediment ,  Trace metal ,  العوالق النباتية ,  الطحالب ,  كثافة ,  الكتلة الحية ,  Phytoplankton. ,  Algae. ,  Density. ,  Biomass.

Project(s):  Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Kuwait's Marine Benthic Dinoflagellates (Microalgae) – Phase I

Project code:  FM 087K

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Optimization of a KISR fish vaccine to enhance survival and mortality of Sobaity fry (sparidentax hasta)


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Saheb, Azad.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Immunity ,  Diseases ,  Vaccine ,  Parasite. ,  Vibrio. ,  Protection. ,  Survival. ,  Immunoglobulin. ,  Genes. ,  الطفيليات ,  فيبريو ,  البقاء ,  البروتين المناعي ,  الجينات

Project(s):  Optimization of KISR Fish Vaccine to Enhance Survival & Immunity of Sobaity Fry (Sparidentax Hasta)

Project code:  FM 098K

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Improvement of nutritional quality of cultured Sobaity ( sparidentex hasta) muscle by preharvest feeding technique using finisher feeds


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Hossain, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Fish Farming ,  Fish ,  Forage ,  Fatty acid ,  Sea ,  أداء النمو ,  الأحماض الدهنية ,  نوعية العضلات ,  Growth performancec. ,  Fatty Acids. ,  Muscle quality.

Project(s):  Improvement of Nutritional Quality of Cultured Sobaity (Sparidentex Hasta) Muscle by Preharvest Feeding Technique using Finisher Feeds

Project code:  FM 095K

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Laboratory analysis for volatile organic compounds in ambient air samples


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ramadan, Ashraf.

Subject(s):  Pollution ,  Pollution ,  Environment ,  Environment ,  Air pollution. ,  GC-FID. ,  To-15 ,  تلوث الهواء ,  تقنية USEPA-To-15

Project(s):  Laboratory Analysis for Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air Samples

Project code:  EC 021S

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Improvement of nutritional quality of cultured Sobaity ( sparidentex hasta) muscle by preharvest feeding technique using finisher feeds


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Hossain, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Fodder ,  Fatty acids ,  Samples ,  Finisher feeds. ,  Growth performances. ,  Fatty Acids. ,  الأغذية النهائية ,  أداء النمو ,  الأحماض الدهنية

Project(s):  Improvement of Nutritional Quality of Cultured Sobaity (Sparidentex Hasta) Muscle by Preharvest Feeding Technique using Finisher Feeds

Project code:  FM 095K

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Beach hydrodynamic study at Ms. Hussa Al Hasawi villa, Massila Beach area


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Banaa, Khalid.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Environment ,  Rocks ,  Rocks ,  Groin. ,  Erosion. ,  Accretion. ,  Waves. ,  Currents. ,  Bulk Sediment Transport Rate. ,  لسان يابس ,  التآكل ,  الترسيب ,  الأمواج ,  التيارات ,  معدل نقل الرواسب الكلي

Project(s):  Beach Hydrodynamic Study at Ms. Hussa Al Hasawi Villa, Massila Beach Area

Project code:  EC 020S

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Effects commercial microdiets and weaning strategies on the rearing of sobaity (Sparidentex hasta) larvae


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  El Dakour, Saleem.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Fodder ,  Fish ,  Larvae ,  Artificial diets ,  Live food ,  Rearing stage ,  Fish larvae ,  أعلاف مصنعة ,  الغذاء الحي ,  مرحلة الحضانة ,  يرقات الأسماك

Project(s):  Effects of Commercial Microdiets and Weaning Strategies on the Rearing of Sobaity (Sparidentex Hasta) Larvae

Project code:  FM 093C

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Maintenance, software update, and hardware upgrade of knmn stations.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ramadan, Ashraf.

Subject(s):  Information Network ,  Devices ,  National Grid ,  Climate ,  Maintenance ,  Information ,  Troubleshooting. ,  Preventive maintenance. ,  أكتشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها ,  الصيانة الوقائية

Project(s):  Maintenance, Software Update, & Hardware Upgrade of KNMN Stations

Project code:  EC 002O

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Biodiversity and taxonomy of Kuwait's marine benthic dinoflagellates (Microalgae) Phaase I


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Rashed, Wafaa.

Subject(s):  Marine Environment ,  Algae ,  Sea water ,  Sediment ,  Trace metal ,  العوالق النباتية ,  الطحالب ,  كثافة ,  الكتلة الحية ,  Phytoplankton. ,  Algae. ,  Density. ,  Biomass.

Project(s):  Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Kuwait's Marine Benthic Dinoflagellates (Microalgae) – Phase I

Project code:  FM 087K

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Maintenance, software update, and hardware upgrade of KNMN stations


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ramadan, A.

Subject(s):  Computer ,  Computer ,  Troubleshooting ,  Preventive maintenance ,  اكتشاف الأخطاءو إصلاحها ,  الصيانة الوقائية

Project(s):  Maintenance, Software Update, & Hardware Upgrade of KNMN Stations

Project code:  EC 002O

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Assessment of dissolved trace metals distribution in Kuwait's waters


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Said, Turki.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Trace metal ,  Iron ,  Zinc ,  Phytoplankton ,  Kuwait bay. ,  Iron. ,  Copper. ,  Nikel. ,  Zinc. ,  Cobalt. ,  جون الكويت ,  النحاس والنيكل والحديد والزنك والكوبالت

Project(s):  Assessment of Dissolved Trace Metals Distribution in Kuwait's Waters

Project code:  FM 094K

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