report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Hydrodynamic & bathymetric survey works for Ras Al- Ardh club& salmiya yacht club


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Neelamani, S.

Subject(s):  Corrosion ,  Rocks ,  Sea ,  Waves ,  Ras al- ardh beach. ,  Marine survey. ,  Beach development. ,  Tide. ,  Wave. ,  Seawater. ,  شاطئ رأس الأرض ,  المسح البحري ,  تطوير الشاطئ ,  مد وجزر ,  أمواج ,  مياه البحر

Project(s):  Hydrodynamic & Bathymetric Survey Works for Ras Al-Ardh Club & Salmiya Yacht Club

Project code:  EC 031S

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Assessment of the suitability of a site in South Ali Sabah Al Salem Residential area for the establishment of new schools,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Awadi, Laila.

Subject(s):  Air Quality ,  Air quality ,  Electromagenetic fields ,  Electromagenetic fields ,  Huygens' principle ,  Huygens' principle ,  Air quality. ,  VOCs. ,  Electromagnetic field. ,  Noise levels. ,  High tension power line. ,  جودة الهواء ,  المركبات اعضوية المتطايرة ,  المجال الكهرومغناطيسي ,  مستويات الضوضاء ,  خطوط الضغط العالي

Project(s):  Assessment of the Suitability of a Site in South Ali Sabah Al Salem Residential Area for the Establishment of New Schools

Project code:  EC 022S

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Investigation on the coastal engineering issues for the rehabilitation of Failaka Island Marina.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Neelamani, Subramaniam.

Subject(s):  Failaka Island ,  Sediment ,  Deposits ,  Ocean currents ,  siltation. ,  Suspended sediments. ,  Current. ,  Waves. ,  Physical model. ,  الترسبات ,  الرواسب العالقة ,  التيارات ,  الأمواج ,  النماذج الفيزيائية

Project(s):  Investigation on the Coastal Engineering Issues for the Rehabilitation of Failaka Island Marina

Project code:  EC 025S

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Wave design study at Az-Zour area


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Banaa, Khaled.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Power ,  Power ,  Wave height design. ,  Hydrodynamic modeling. ,  Extreme water level. ,  Sea level rise. ,  Nearshore modeling. ,  ارتفاع الموجة التصميمية ,  النمذجة الهيدروديناميكية ,  ارتفاع منسوب سطح الماء الأقصى ,  ارتفاع مستوي سطح البحر ,  النمذجة الشاطئية

Project(s):  Wave Design Study at Az-Zour Area

Project code:  EC 018S

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Design and development of a wave absorber system for the wave flume facility in the hydraulic lab of CAD, KISR


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Neelamani, Subramaniam.

Subject(s):  Waves ,  Waves ,  Hydraulic ,  Hydraulic ,  Randome Waves ,  Random Waves ,  Glass Flune. ,  Wave Maker. ,  Crater Type Wave Absorber. ,  Regular and Random Waves. ,  قناة الأمواج الزجاجية ,  صانع الأمواج ,  حاجز لامتصاص الطاقة ,  الموجة العشوائية والمنتظمة

Project(s):  Design & Development of a Wave Absorber System for the Wave Flume Facility in the Hydraulic Lab of CAD, KISR

Project code:  EC 025G

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Maintenance, software update, and hardware upgrade for KISR's Real-time coastal assessment buoy


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Osairi, Yousef.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Oxygen ,  Real-time buoy. ,  Kuwait bay. ,  Hydrodynamics. ,  Monitoring. ,  عوامة بحرية ,  هيدروديناميكا ,  رصد البيئة الساحلية والبحرية ,  جون الكويت

Project(s):  Maintenance, Software Update, & Hardware Upgrade for KISR's Real-Time Coastal Assessment Buoy

Project code:  EC 003O

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Former pit 30 remediated soil vegetation restoration and irrigation testing at Wafra Oil Field.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Grina, R.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Vegetation ,  Irrigation ,  Seeds ,  Plants ,  Oilfield ,  Vegetation test plots. ,  Soil analysis. ,  Native plant materials. ,  Composting. ,  Planting and seeding operations. ,  Microclimate data. ,  Rain gun. ,  Drip irrigation. ,  خطط اختبار الغطاء النباتي ,  تحليل التربة ,  مواد نباتية محلية ,  التسميد ,  عمليةالزرع والبذار ,  معطيات مناخية دقيقة ,  بندقية المطر ,  الري بالتنقيط ,  معالجة التربة

Project(s):  Former Pit 30 Contaminated Soil Vegetation Restoration & Irrigation Testing at Wafra Oil Field

Project code:  FA 015S

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Former pit 30 remediated soil vegetation restoration and irrigation testing at Wafra Oil Field.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Grina, R.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Irrigation ,  Seeds ,  Plants ,  Oilfield ,  Vegetation test plots. ,  Native plant materials. ,  Composting. ,  Planting and seeding operations. ,  Microclimate data. ,  Rain gun. ,  Drip irrigation.

Project(s):  Former Pit 30 Contaminated Soil Vegetation Restoration & Irrigation Testing at Wafra Oil Field

Project code:  FA 015S

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Former Pit 30 Contaminated Soil Vegetation Restoration and Irrigation Testing at Wafra Oil Field,


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Grina,

Subject(s):  Soils ,  Soils ,  Soil-Analysis ,  Soil-Analysis ,  Vegetation ,  Vegetation ,  Irrigation ,  Irrigation ,  Composting ,  Composting ,  Seeds ,  Seeds ,  Planting ,  Planting ,  Vegetation test plots. ,  Soil analysis. ,  Native plant materials. ,  Composting. ,  Planting and seeding operation. ,  Microclimated Data. ,  Rain gun. ,  Drip irrigation.

Project(s):  Former Pit 30 Contaminated Soil Vegetation Restoration & Irrigation Testing at Wafra Oil Field

Project code:  FA 015S

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Develop a program for establishing an effective wildlife habitat management for Kuwait Oil Company.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Mutairi, Mutra.

Subject(s):  Wildlife ,  Biodiversity ,  Desert environment ,  Pollutants ,  Samples ,  Wildlife. ,  Extinct. ,  Kuwait Oil Company. ,  Treaty. ,  Procedure. ,  Habitat. ,  Reintroduction. ,  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. ,  الحياة الفطرية ,  منقرض ,  شركة نفط الكويت ,  معاهدة ,  اجراء ,  مواطن ,  اعادة توطين ,  ملوثات عضوية ,  متعددة الحلقات

Project(s):  Develop a Program for Establishing an Effective Wildlife Habitat Management for Kuwait Oil Company

Project code:  FA 016S

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دراسة بيئية لاعادة تأهيل المقالع المردومة في منطقة اللياح


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  أحمد، موضي.

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Environment ,  Quarries rehabilitation. ,  Native plants. ,  Valleys. ,  Playas. ,  تأهيل المحاجر ,  النباتات الفطرية ,  الخباري

Project(s):  دراسة بيئية لإعادة تأهيل المقالع المردومة في منطقة اللياح

Project code:  EC 004O

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Study of association between physical activity. obesity, dietry habits and other lifestyle factors in Kuwaiti adolescents /


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Hamli, S. F.

Subject(s):  Physical anthropology ,  Physical anthropology ,  Diets ,  Diets ,  النشاط البدني ,  الخمول البدني ,  المسح الوطني للتغذية في دولة الكويت ,  السمنة ,  الامراض غير المعدية ,  Physical activity ,  physical inactivity ,  sedentary lifestyle ,  national nutrition survey of the state of Kuwait ,  Non-communicable diseases

Project(s):  Study of Association Between Physical Activity, Obesity, Dietary Habits, and Other Lifestyl Factors in Kuwaiti Adolescents

Project code:  FB 077G

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