report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Quality preservation and microbial safety enhancement by high pressure treatment of selected Kuwaiti fish


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, Jassem

Subject(s):  Fish ,  High pressure ,  Temperature ,  Diseases ,  High pressure processing ,  Fish ,  Quality ,  Spore inactivation ,  Food Safety ,  جهاز الضغط العالي ,  سمك ,  جودة ,  الكائنات الحية الدقيقة ,  سلامة الاغذية

Project(s):  Quality Preservation and Microbial Safety Enhancement by High Pressure Treatment of Selected Kuwaiti Fish

Project code:  FB 117K

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Evaluation of the effects of storage methods on plant DNA quality and quantity


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ben Hejji, Ahmed

Subject(s):  DNA ,  Plant ,  Food ,  Research ,  DNA storage ,  DNA degradation ,  DNA Extraction ,  Nano drop sepectrophotometer ,  Gel electrophoresis ,  تخزين الدي ان ايه ,  انحلال الدي ان ايه ,  استخراج الدي ان ايه ,  مطياف النانو الطيفي ,  الهلام الكهربائي

Project(s):  Evaluation of the Effects of Storage Methods on Plant DNA Quality and Quantity

Project code:  FB 076G

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Assessment of the body composition of Kuwaiti infants by using Air displacement plethysmography (pea pod)


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Ati, Tareq

Subject(s):  Children ,  Breast feeding ,  Growth ,  Mothers ,  Body Composition ,  Infant growth ,  Breastfeeding ,  مكونات الجسم ,  نمو الأطفال ,  الرضاعة الطبيعية

Project(s):  Assessment of the Body Composition of Kuwaiti Infants by Using Air Displacement Plethysmography (PEA POD)

Project code:  FB 100C

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Emergency system for the simulation of accidental fires, explosions, and toxic releases


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Yassin, Mohamed F.

Subject(s):  Explosions ,  Toxic substances ,  Meteorological ,  Physical properties ,  الحوادث الصناعية ,  الظروف الأرصاد الجوية ,  النمذجة ,  المحاكاة ,  الإنبعاثات السامة ,  accident industrial ,  Meteorological conditions ,  Modelling ,  Simulation ,  Toxic releases

Project(s):  Emergency System for the Simulation of Accidental Fires, Explosions, and Toxic Releases

Project code:  EC 110K

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Development of nutritional and biodegradable product to improve stability and fertility of sandy soil


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Burezq, Hanaa Adel.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Soil fertility ,  Sandy soil ,  Waste ,  بيوشار ,  المخلفات الزراعية والحيوانية ,  تحسين تركيبة التربة الرملية ,  تقييم ,  معدل النمو ,  Biochar ,  Plant and animal wastes ,  Improve structure of sandy soil ,  Evaluation ,  Growth Rate

Project(s):  Development of Nutritional and Biodegradable Product to Improve Stability and Fertility of Sandy Soil

Project code:  FA 159C

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Developing sustainable agricultural production: An up scaling of salt degraded lands through integrated soil,water, and crop management approaches Phase III


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, H.S.

Subject(s):  The Soil ,  water ,  Crops ,  Farmers ,  تقليل الحرث ,  كفاءة استخدام الأسمدة ,  ملوحة التربة ,  minimum tillage ,  fertilizer use efficiency ,  soil salinity

Project(s):  Developing Sustainable Agricultural Production: An Up Scaling of Salt Degraded Lands through Integrated Soil, Water, and Crop Management Approaches - Phase III

Project code:  FA 167C

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Bioprospecting of native plants for bioactive compounds


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Bhat, Narayana.

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Organic compounds ,  Natural products ,  Antimicrobial ,  النباتات الطبية ,  الفحص الكيميائي النباتي ,  المنتجات العشبية ,  عوامل مضادة للسرطان ,  عوامل مضادة للميكروبات ,  مضادات الأكسدة ,  Medicinal plants ,  Phytochemical screening ,  herbal products ,  anticancer agents ,  Antimicrobial agents

Project(s):  Bioprospecting of Native Plants for Bioactive Compounds

Project code:  FA 154C

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Benthic foraminifera as proxies for the environmental quality assessment of the Kuwait Bay (Kuwait) :


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, Eqbal.

Subject(s):  Marine Environment ,  Waste ,  WAter quality ,  Deposition ,  Benthic foraminifera ,  Bioindicators ,  Pollution ,  Sediment ,  Metabarcoding ,  Arabian ,  الفورامنيفرا القاعية ,  مؤشر بيئي ,  تلوث ,  رسوبيات ,  شريط الترميز للحمض النووي ,  الخليج العربي

Project(s):  Benthic Foraminifera as Proxies for the Environmental Quality Assessment of the Kuwait Bay (Kuwait)

Project code:  EM 084C

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Establishment of specialized center to develop integrated farming system to enhance plant and animal production


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'C'

Contributor(s):  Al Nasser, A.

Subject(s):  Agricultural ,  Food security ,  Food ,  Waste

Project(s):  Establishment of Specialized Center to Develop Integrated Farming Systems to Enhance Plant and Animal Production

Project code:  P- KISR-06-07

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Establishment of food and nutrition unit at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'B'

Contributor(s):  Al Zenki, S.

Subject(s):  Food ,  nutrition ,  Diseases ,  Food Research

Project(s):  Establishment of Food & Nutrition Unit at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research

Project code:  P- KISR-06- 09

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Health risk assessment of toxic air contaminants in the state of Kuwait (Phase 1: southern sector of Kuwait)


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Yassin, Mohamed

Subject(s):  Pollutants ,  Health ,  Environment ,  Atmosphere ,  الأحوال الجوية ,  مصادر الانبعاثات ,  النماذج العددية ,  المناطق السكنية ,  ملوثات الهواء السامة ,  Atmospheric conditions ,  Emission sources ,  Numerical models ,  Residential area ,  TACs

Project(s):  Health Risk Assessment of Toxic Air Contaminants in the State of Kuwait - Phase 1: Southern Sector of Kuwait

Project code:  EC 107C

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Health risk assessment of toxic air contaminants in the state of Kuwait (Phase 1: southern sector of Kuwait)/


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Yassin, Mohamed

Subject(s):  Pollutants ,  Health ,  Environment ,  Atmosphere ,  الاحوال الجوية ,  مصادر الانبعاثات ,  النماذج العددية ,  المناطق السكنية ,  ملوثات الهواء السامة ,  Atmospheric conditions ,  Emission sources ,  Numerical models ,  Residential area ,  TACs

Project(s):  Health Risk Assessment of Toxic Air Contaminants in the State of Kuwait - Phase 1: Southern Sector of Kuwait

Project code:  EC 107C

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