report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Development and evaluation of growbox technique for sustainable vegetable production in protected environment


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Baho, Mohammed.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Soil ,  Soil ,  Environment ,  Environment ,  Growbox technique. ,  Water use efficiency. ,  Soilless culture. ,  Controlled environment. ,  unconventional cultivation. ,  لاستخدام الأمثل للمياة ,  زراعة بدون تربة ,  بيئة محكمة ,  زراعة غير تقليدية

Project(s):  Development & Evaluation of Growbox Technique for Sustainable Vegetable Production in Protected Environment

Project code:  FA 107K

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Development and evaluation of growbox technique for sustainable vegetable production in protected environment.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Albaho, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Soil ,  Cucumber ,  Plant growth ,  Water consumption ,  Production ,  تقنية الصناديق الزراعية ,  كفاءة استخدام المياه ,  زراعة بدون تربة ,  بيئة محكمة ,  التشميس ,  Growbox technique. ,  Water use efficiency. ,  Soilless production. ,  Solarization.

Project(s):  Development & Evaluation of Growbox Technique for Sustainable Vegetable Production in Protected Environment

Project code:  FA 107K

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Establishment of mangrove plantations Phase II


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Bhat, Narayana R.

Subject(s):  Biodiversity ,  Tides ,  Seedlings ,  Agriculture ,  البيئة البحرية ,  الروبيان ,  إعادة تأهيل السواحل ,  تقييم المردود البيئي ,  Avicennia marina. ,  Grey mangrove. ,  Mangrove seedling mortality. ,  Marine ecosystem. ,  Coastal rehabilitation. ,  Environment impact assessment.

Project(s):  Establishment of Mangrove Plantations - Phase II

Project code:  FA 106C

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Standardization, mass propagation of native plants and the establishment of field plantations :


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Almulla, Laila.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Agriculture ,  Plants ,  Plants ,  Soil ,  Soil ,  Seeds ,  Seeds ,  Natural resources ,  Natrual Resources ,  Drought ,  Drought ,  Sustainable greenery. ,  Native plants. ,  Exotic plants. ,  Landscape. ,  التحضير المستدام ,  النباتات الفطرية ,  النباتات المستقدمة ,  التصميم المناظيري ,  انبات البذور

Project(s):  Standardization, Mass Propagation of Native Plants & the Establishment of Field Plantations - Phase I: Screening of Selected Native Plants for Sustainable Greenery Development

Project code:  FA 105K

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Examination of techniques to mitigate problems of mobile sand in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Misak, Raafat.

Subject(s):  Sand ,  Sand ,  Desert ,  Desert ,  Sand encroachment. ,  Aeolian landforms. ,  Ground truth. ,  Sustainable techniques. ,  Integrated systems. ,  Field tests. ,  زحف وتراكم الرمال ,  الأشكال الريحية ,  نظم مستدامة ,  التحقق الأرضي تجارب حقلية

Project(s):  Examination of Techniques to Mitigate Problems of Mobile Sand in Kuwait

Project code:  FA 102K

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Standardization, mass propagation of native plants and the establishment of field plantations Phase I- Screening of selected native plants for sustainable greenery development.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Almulla, Laila.

Subject(s):  Viability. ,  Cutting prpagation. ,  Germination. ,  الحيوية ,  إكثار العقل ,  الإنبات

Project(s):  Standardization, Mass Propagation of Native Plants & the Establishment of Field Plantations - Phase I: Screening of Selected Native Plants for Sustainable Greenery Development

Project code:  FA 105K

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Standardization, mass propagation of native plants and the establishment of field plantations: Phase I- screening of selected native plants for sustainable greenery development.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Almulla, Laila.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Plants ,  Greening ,  Roots ,  Vegetative propagation ,  كمون البذرة ,  التكاثر الخضري ,  إعادة التأهيل ,  النباتات الفطرية ,  Seed dormancy. ,  Vegetative propagation. ,  Restoration. ,  Native plants.

Project(s):  Standardization, Mass Propagation of Native Plants & the Establishment of Field Plantations - Phase I: Screening of Selected Native Plants for Sustainable Greenery Development

Project code:  FA 105K

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Establishment of mangrove plantations Phase II


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Bhat, Narayana.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Trees ,  Tropical regions ,  Sediment ,  القرم ,  البيئة البحرية ,  الروبيان ,  إعادة تأهيل السواحل ,  تقييم المردود البيئي ,  Avicennia marina. ,  Grey mangrove. ,  Mangrove seedling mortality. ,  Marine ecosystem. ,  Costal rehabilitation. ,  Environment impact assessment.

Project(s):  Establishment of Mangrove Plantations - Phase II

Project code:  FA 106C

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Standardization, mass propagation of native plants and the establishment of field plantations: Phase I- screening of selected native plants for sustainable greenery development.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Mulla, Layla.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Plants ,  Plants ornamental ,  Soil ,  Seeds ,  Natural Resources ,  Drought ,  التحضير المستدام ,  النباتات الفطرية ,  النباتات المستقدمة ,  التصميم المناظري ,  انبات البذور ,  Exotic plants. ,  Landscape. ,  Germination studies.

Project(s):  Standardization, Mass Propagation of Native Plants & the Establishment of Field Plantations - Phase I: Screening of Selected Native Plants for Sustainable Greenery Development

Project code:  FA 105K

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Examination of techniques to mitigate problems of mobile sands in Kuwait.


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Misak, Rafaat.

Subject(s):  Sand ,  Facilities ,  Maps ,  The project ,  Hazards of shifting sands. ,  Database. ,  Sustainable practices.

Project(s):  Examination of Techniques to Mitigate Problems of Mobile Sand in Kuwait

Project code:  FA 102K

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Integrated utilization of cereal mutant varieties in crop/livestock production systems


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Menaia, Habiba.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Desert ,  Desert ,  Mutant barley varieties. ,  Performance. ,  Water quality. ,  أصناف الشعير المقاومة للجفاف والملوحة ,  أداء ,  نوعية المياة

Project(s):  Integrated Utilization of Cereal Mutant Varieties in Crop/Livestock Production System

Project code:  FA 103C

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development and evaluation of grwbox technique for sustainable vegetable production in protected environment


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Albaho, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Agricultre ,  Water consumption ,  Water consuption ,  Growbox technique. ,  Water use efficiency. ,  Soilless production. ,  Solarization. ,  تقنية الصناديق الزراعية. ,  كفائة استخدام المياة. ,  زراع بدون تربة بيئية محكمة. ,  التشميس.

Project(s):  Development & Evaluation of Growbox Technique for Sustainable Vegetable Production in Protected Environment

Project code:  FA 107K

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