report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Assessment of camel milk as source of novel antimicrobial agents for potential applications for animal and human health promotion (Phase I)


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Rahmeh, Rita.

Subject(s):  Camel milk ,  microbes ,  Antibiotics ,  Diseases ,  مقاومة المضادات الحيوية ,  بكتيريا حمض اللاكتيك ,  أمراض الانسان ,  أمراض الحيوانات ,  مواد حافظة للأغذية ,  إضافات للأعلاف الحيوانية ,  Antimicrobial resistance. ,  Lactic acid bacteria. ,  Animal diseases. ,  Human diseases. ,  Biopreservatives. ,  Feed additives.

Project(s):  Assessment of Camel Milk as Source of Novel Antimicrobial Agents for Potential Applications for Animal & Human Health Promotion - Phase I

Project code:  FB 112K

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Assessment of perchlorate levels in human urine and food samples collected in the State of Kuwait.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Alomirah, Husam Fahad.

Subject(s):  Nutrition survey ,  Urinalysis ,  Edible greens ,  Fruit ,  Age group ,  Dietary intake. ,  Food survey database. ,  Exposure. ,  الاستهلاك الغذائي ,  قاعدة بيانات المسح الغذائي ,  التعرض

Project(s):  Assessment of Perchlorate Levels in Human Urine & Food Samples Collected in the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 083K

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Investigating the prevalence of rotavirus and its early detection in calves of Kuwait dairy farms using molecular techniques,


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Otaibi, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Virus ,  Rotavirus ,  digestive system ,  Genetic screening ,  Gastroenteritis. ,  RT-PCR. ,  Latex agglutination. ,  Vaccine. ,  فيروس الروتا ,  العجول ,  دولة الكويت ,  الجهاز الهضمي ,  الأجسام المضادة

Project(s):  Investigating the Prevalence of Rotavirus & its Early Detection in Calves of Kuwait Dairy Farms Using Molecular Techniques

Project code:  FB 094K

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Healthe risk assessment associated with dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic and methyl mercury via fish consumption in Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Hussain, Adnan.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Lobster fisheries ,  Arsenic ,  Methylmercury ,  Organic compounds ,  Deterministic Risk Analyses. ,  Anthropogenic and Natural Sources. ,  التحاليل لتقدير المخاطر الصحية ,  مصادر البشرية والطبيعية

Project(s):  Health Risk Assessment Associated with Dietary Exposure to Inorganic Arsenic & Methyl Mercury via Fish Consumption in Kuwait

Project code:  FB 081K

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Healthe risk assessment associated with dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic and methyl mercury via fish consumption in Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Husain, Adnan.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish ,  Toxicity ,  Toxicity ,  Deterministic Risk Analyses. ,  Anthropogenic and Natural Sources. ,  التحاليل لتقدير المخاطر الصحية ,  مصادر البشرية والطبيعية

Project(s):  Health Risk Assessment Associated with Dietary Exposure to Inorganic Arsenic & Methyl Mercury via Fish Consumption in Kuwait

Project code:  FB 081K

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Health risk assessment associated with dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic and methyl mercury via fish consumption in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Husain, Adnan.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish ,  Metal ,  Metal ,  Probabilistic Risk Characterization. ,  التوصيف الاحتمالي للخطر

Project(s):  Health Risk Assessment Associated with Dietary Exposure to Inorganic Arsenic & Methyl Mercury via Fish Consumption in Kuwait

Project code:  FB 081K

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Validation of the use of food pictures in dietry assessment,


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Amiri, Hanan.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Food ,  Analysis ,  Analysis ,  Food ,  Food ,  Food photograph. ,  Multiple regression analysis. ,  Portion size. ,  Food instruction booklet. ,  Nutrient. ,  تعيين كمية الطعام المستهلك ,  الصور الفوتوغرافية ,  البوم السبع صور ,  البوم الثلاث صور ,  المرشد لجميع البيانات الغذائية ,  العناصر الغذائية

Project(s):  Validation of the Use of Food Pictures in Dietary Assessment

Project code:  FB 082K

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Studying the relationship between nutrition and school performance among children in the state of Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Amiri, Hanan.

Subject(s):  children ,  Nutrition and ental health ,  Academic achievement ,  Obesity ,  Overweight. ,  Obesity. ,  Iron deficiency anemia. ,  Demographic. ,  Physical activity. ,  Body mass index. ,  المسح التغذوى. ,  التغذية. ,  البيانات الديموغرافية. ,  النشاط البدنى. ,  زيادة الوزن. ,  أنيميا. ,  نقص الحديد.

Project(s):  Studying the Relationship between Nutrition & School Performance among Children in the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB088C

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Studying the relationship between nutrition and school performance among children in the state of kuwait.


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Al Amiri, Hanan.

Subject(s):  Children ,  Nutrition and dental health ,  Academic achievement ,  Iron deficiency anemia ,  Obesity ,  Faculty ,  Special education ,  Questionnaires ,  Academic performance. ,  Overweight. ,  Obesity. ,  Iron deficiency anemia. ,  nutrition. ,  Demographic. ,  Dietary. ,  Body mass index. ,  National nutrition survey. ,  التغذية ,  الأداء الأكاديمي ,  زيادة الوزن ,  السمنة ,  انيميا نقص الحديد ,  المسح التغذوي ,  المعلومات الديموغرافية ,  مقاييس الجسم ,  مسح ميداني

Project(s):  Studying the Relationship between Nutrition & School Performance among Children in the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 088C

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Molecular characterization and identification of whitefly transmitted tylcv disease in Tomato plant in Kuwait.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Ali, Ebtesam Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Agricultural ,  Tomatoes ,  Insects ,  Whitefly ,  Viruses ,  Samples ,  Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. ,  polymerase chain reaction ( PCR). ,  Sequencing. ,  فيروس تجعد ألأوراق الطماطم الصفراء(TYLCV) ,  تفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل (PCR). ,  تحديد السلسلة الجينية(Sequencing)

Project(s):  Molecular Characterization & Identification of Whitefly-Transmitted TYLCV Disease in Tomato Plant in Kuwait

Project code:  FB 085C

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Molecular characterization and identification of whitefly transmitted tylcv disease in Tomato plant in Kuwait.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Ali, Ebtesam Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Agricultural ,  Tomatoes ,  Insects ,  Whitefly ,  Viruses ,  Samples ,  Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV). ,  Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). ,  Rolling circle amplification(RCA). ,  فيروس تجعد اوراق الطماطم الصفراء (TYLCV). ,  تفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل ( PCR). ,  تضخيم الحمض النووي الدائري الملتف (RCA).

Project(s):  Molecular Characterization & Identification of Whitefly-Transmitted TYLCV Disease in Tomato Plant in Kuwait

Project code:  FB 085C

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Molecular characterization and identification of whitefly-transmitted tylcv disease in tomato plant in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Ali, Ebtisam.

Subject(s):  Tomato ,  Tomato ,  Disease ,  Disease ,  Virus detection. ,  Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV). ,  Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Project(s):  Molecular Characterization & Identification of Whitefly-Transmitted TYLCV Disease in Tomato Plant in Kuwait

Project code:  FB 085C

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