report(s) found: 2
Center: Environment and Urban Development Division x

Project title: Effect of Using Magnetized Water on Concrete Properties x

Effect of using magnetized water on concrete properties


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Karam, Hassan.

Subject(s):  Building materials ,  Building materials ,  Water treatment ,  Water treatment ,  magnetic water. ,  consistency. ,  Surface tension. ,  الماء الممغنط وقوام وإجهاد السطح

Project(s):  Effect of Using Magnetized Water on Concrete Properties

Project code:  EU 064K

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Effect of using magnetized water on concrete properties


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Karam, Hassan.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Production ,  Production ,  Magnetized Water. ,  Concrete. ,  Viscosity. ,  Surface tension. ,  المياه الممغنطة ,  خرسانة ,  لزوجة ,  اجهاد السطح

Project(s):  Effect of Using Magnetized Water on Concrete Properties

Project code:  EU 064K

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