report(s) found: 8
Center: Environment and Urban Development Division x

Project title: Evaluation of Advanced Coating System for Kuwait Atmospheric Corrosion Control x

Evaluation of advanced organic coating system for kuwait atmospheric corrosion control.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Husain, A.

Subject(s):  Corrosion Resistance. ,  Galvanized Steel. ,  Street Lighting Columns. ,  Matallorgraphic Examination. ,  Salt Fogtest.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Advanced Coating System for Kuwait Atmospheric Corrosion Control

Project code:  EU 031C

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Performance of zinc tape for atmospheric corrosion protection


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Husain, A.

Subject(s):  Zinc adhesive tape. ,  Galvanic corrosion protection. ,  Galvanized steel. ,  Immersion test. ,  Salt fog test. ,  Crevice test. ,  Atmospheric corrosion.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Advanced Coating System for Kuwait Atmospheric Corrosion Control

Project code:  EU 031C

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Evaluation of the corrosion protection of microcrystalline wax tapes for pipeline protection and marine inner wrap for pile shield jacket system from trenton corporation :bevaluation of advanced coating system for Kuwait atmospheric corrosion control.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Husain, A.

Subject(s):  Microcrystalline wax tape for pipeline protection. ,  Microcrystalline wax inner wrap for marine pile shield jacket system. ,  Salt fog testing.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Advanced Coating System for Kuwait Atmospheric Corrosion Control

Project code:  EU 031C

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Evaluation of advanced coating system for Kuwait atmospheric corrosion control.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Husain, A.

Subject(s):  Atmosphere corrosion. ,  Advanced coating system. ,  Salt spray weathering cabinet. ,  SEM/EDS ,  AC impedance. ,  Field atmospheric exposure.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Advanced Coating System for Kuwait Atmospheric Corrosion Control

Project code:  EU 031C

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Evaluation of the corrosion protection of single pack moisture cure urethane protective coatings from wasser corporation.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Husain, Adel.

Subject(s):  Dyes and dyeing ,  Electrochemical ,  Weathering ,  Polyurethane. ,  Protective coating. ,  Atmospheric corrosion. ,  EIS. ,  Salt fog test. ,  البوليورثيين ,  أصباغ واقيه ,  صدأ الجوي ,  المقاومة الكهروكيميائية ,  أختبار مقاومة الرذاذ المشيع بالكوريدات

Project(s):  Evaluation of Advanced Coating System for Kuwait Atmospheric Corrosion Control

Project code:  EU 031C

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Evaluation of advanced organic coating system for Kuwait atmospheric corrosion control.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Husain, Adel.

Subject(s):  Minerals ,  Iron galvanized ,  Corrosion resistance. ,  Galvanized steel. ,  Street lighting columns. ,  Metallorgraphic examination. ,  Salt fog test. ,  مقاومة التآكل ,  حديد مجلفن ,  اعمدة إنارة الشوارع ,  الفحص المجهري للمعادن ,  اختبار الرذاذ المحلي

Project(s):  Evaluation of Advanced Coating System for Kuwait Atmospheric Corrosion Control

Project code:  EU 031C

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Evaluation of advanced coating system for Kuwait atmospheric corrosion control.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Husain, A.

Subject(s):  Corrosion protective coatings. ,  Salt fog test. ,  Atmospheric exposure. ,  Galvanized steel. ,  Zinc tape. ,  Polyurethane. ,  Microcrystalline wax based tapes.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Advanced Coating System for Kuwait Atmospheric Corrosion Control

Project code:  EU 031C

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Evaluation of Rust-Stop Sprayed Coating System.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Husain, A.

Subject(s):  Microcrystalline wax tape for pipeline protection. ,  Microcrystalline wax inner wrap for marine pile shield jacket system. ,  Salt fog testing.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Advanced Coating System for Kuwait Atmospheric Corrosion Control

Project code:  EU 031C

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