report(s) found: 4
Center: Environment and Urban Development Division x

Project title: Identification of Pathways of Pollutant Movement Towards Ground Water in Northern Kuwait x

Identification of pathways of pollutant movement toward groundwater in Northern Kuwait,


KISR Report

Final Report (Revised)

Contributor(s):  Qabazard, A

Subject(s):  Water pollution ,  Water resources development ,  Freshwater lenses, aquifers, ground water, gatch layer, polar species, fluorescence fingerprint, vadose zone ,  عدسات المياه الجوفية العذبة; الطبقة الصخرية المائية; المياه الجوفية; الطبقة الجيرية; المواد المؤمنة; البصمة الطيفية; الغير مشبعة

Project(s):  Identification of Pathways of Pollutant Movement Towards Ground Water in Northern Kuwait

Project code:  EA 030C

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Identification of pathways of pollutant movement towards ground water in northern Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Qabazard, A.

Subject(s):  Water-- pollution ,  Water resources development ,  Freshwater lenses, aquifers, ground water, gatch layer, polar species, fluorescence fingerprint, vadose zone. ,  عدسات المياة الجوفية العذبة; الطبقة الصخرية المائية; المياه الجوفية; الطبقة الجيرية; المواد لبمؤينة; البصمة الطيفية; الغير مشبعة

Project(s):  Identification of Pathways of Pollutant Movement Towards Ground Water in Northern Kuwait

Project code:  EA 030C

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Identification of patheways of pollutant movement towards groundwater in northern Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Qabazard, Adel.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Soil ,  Groundwater ,  Groundwater ,  Calcium ,  Calcium ,  Surface Gath Layer. ,  Polar Nature of the Soil. ,  Calcium Carbonate. ,  الطبقة الجيرية ,  الطبيعة القطبية للتربة ,  كربونات الكالسيوم

Project(s):  Identification of Pathways of Pollutant Movement Towards Ground Water in Northern Kuwait

Project code:  EA 030C

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Identification of pathways of pollutant movement towards groundwater in Northern Kuwait,


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Qabazard, A.

Subject(s):  Water pollution ,  Water resources development ,  Gatch layer, polar species, flurescence fingerprint. ,  الطبقه الجيرية; المواد الؤمنة; البصمه الطبقية

Project(s):  Identification of Pathways of Pollutant Movement Towards Ground Water in Northern Kuwait

Project code:  EA 030C

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