report(s) found: 959
Center: Environment and Urban Development Division x

Assessment and monitoring of the water quality for the Khiran pearl city project


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  El-Sammak, A.

Subject(s):  BOD. ,  TSS. ,  Total coliform. ,  Nutrients.

Project(s):  Assessment & Monitoring of the Water Quality Al-Khiran Pearl City Project: Phase 2

Project code:  EM 025C

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Effect of photocatalytic nano- particles on the toxicity of Kuwait crude Oil to algae.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Shemmari, Jaber.

Subject(s):  Algae ,  Catalysts ,  Petroleum ,  Oil pollution ,  Organic compounds ,  ultra- violet rays ,  Algal growth inhibition. ,  WAF of KCO. ,  Nano metal oxides. ,  UV exposure. ,  مانع نمو الطحالب ,  جزء نفط الكويت الخام المذاب ,  أكاسيد المواد الدقيقة ,  تعرض لأشعة فوق البنفسجية

Project(s):  Effect of Photocatalytic Nano-Particles on the Toxicity of Kuwait Crude Oil to Algae

Project code:  EM 062G

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Generation of Baseline concentrations of Hydrogen Sulfide in the groundwater beneath Kuwait City


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Murad, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Groundwater ,  Hydrogen sulfide ,  Hydrogen sulfidez Kuwait ,  المياة التحت سطحية ,  التركيزات ,  إحصاء جيولوجي ,  آبار

Project(s):  Generation of Baseline Concentrations of Hydrogen Sulfide in the Groundwater beneath Kuwait City

Project code:  EM 064G

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Spatial and temporal variations in the atmospheric concentrations of the newly listed chemicals in the "stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants"


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Gevao, Bondi.

Subject(s):  Organic ,  Organic ,  Environment ,  Environment ,  Pollution ,  Pollution ,  Environmental pollution. ,  Persistent Organic Pollutants. ,  Passive sampling. ,  Monitoring.

Project(s):  Spatial & Temporal Variations in the Atmospheric Concentrations of the Newly Listed Chemicals in the "Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants"

Project code:  EM 056C

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Determination of the petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in sediment from Sulaibikhat Bay,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Bahloul, Majed.

Subject(s):  Air quality ,  Air quality ,  Hydrocarbons ,  Hydrocarbons ,  Sediment ,  Sediment ,  Petrology ,  Petrology ,  Total hydrocarbons. ,  Grain size. ,  Pollutant. ,  مجموع الهيدروكربونات ,  حجم الحبيبات ,  الملوثات

Project(s):  Chemical & Biological Assessment of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Waste & Coastal Waters in Kuwait

Project code:  EM 059G

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Oxidative stress indices in natural populations of Clams from coastal areas of Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Dufaileej, Suad.

Subject(s):  Marine organisms ,  Marine pollution ,  Oysters ,  Samples ,  Bivalve. ,  Lipid peroxidation. ,  Catalase. ,  Glutathione reductase. ,  Glutathione peroxidase. ,  Glutathione transferase. ,  Trace metals. ,  ذوات الصدفتين(المحار) ,  الدهون الفوق اكسيديه(بروكسيد). ,  الكاتالاز ,  مختزل الجلوتاثيون ,  بروكسيد الجلوتاثيون ,  ترانسفيراز الجلوتاثيون ,  المعادن النزره

Project(s):  Oxidative Stress Indices in Natural Populations of Clams from Coastal Areas of Kuwait

Project code:  EM 053G

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Baseline concentration of radiouclide's in Kuwait's marine environment.

KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Sea food ,  Sea food ,  Fish ,  Fish ,  Fish Protein concentrate ,  Fish protein concentrate ,  Fish food ,  Fish food ,  SOP's ,  Seafood. ,  إجراءات التشغيل القياسي ,  المأكولات البحرية

Project(s):  Baseline Concentration of Radiouclide's in Kuwait's Marine Environment

Project code:  EM 058K

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Production and characterization of lightweight synthetic ceramic aggregates utilizing argillaceous materials native to Kuwait:


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Taha, Mahmoud.

Subject(s):  Clay deposit ,  Clay deposit ,  Synthetic fiber industry ,  Synthetic fiber industry ,  Sintering ,  Sintering ,  Clay mixtures. ,  Synthetic aggregate. ,  Facilities ,  Equipment. ,  Laboratory-rotary kiln. ,  Pilot plant rotary kiln ,  Heating microscope. ,  Sintering. ,  Deformation. ,  bloating. ,  الخلطات الطينية ,  الركام الصناعي ,  التجهيزات البحثية ,  المعدات ,  الفرن الدوار المعملي ,  الفرن الدوار النمطي ,  الميكروسكوب الحراري ,  التبلد ,  التشوه ,  لبقلبلية للانتفاخ

Project(s):  Production & Characterization of Synthetic Ceramic Lightweight Aggregates Utilizing Kuwaiti Agrillaceous Materials

Project code:  EU 036C

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Estimation of PM 2.5 concentrations using satellite data, with spatio temporal variations of chemicals associated with particulate matter.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Sediment ,  Sandstorms ,  Vegetation ,  Climate ,  Pollutants ,  Remote Sensing. ,  Aerosols. ,  AOD. ,  Human Health. ,  الأستشعار عن بعد ,  الحبيبات الناعمة ,  المقطع العمودي للحبيبات(AOD) ,  صحة الأنسان

Project(s):  Estimation of PM2.5 Concentrations using Satellite Data, with Spatio Temporal Variations of Chemicals Associated with Particulate Matter

Project code:  EM 057K

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Polonium determination in some commercial fish species of Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Mutairi, Ahmad.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish ,  species ,  species ,  Food ,  Food ,  Zobaidy. ,  Hamoor. ,  Radionuclide Dosage. ,  أسماك الزبيدي ,  الهامور ,  الجرعة الاشعاعية

Project(s):  Polonium Determination in Some Commercial Fish Species of Kuwait

Project code:  EM 057G

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High resolution historical records of trace metals and organic pollutants from sediments and coral reefs in Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Gevao, Bondi.

Subject(s):  Marine sediments ,  Trace metal ,  Coral reefs ,  Samples ,  Pollution ,  Environmental pollution. ,  Sediment. ,  Chronology. ,  Marine environment. ,  الثلوث البيئي ,  الرواسب البحرية ,  التسلسل الزمني ,  البيئة البحرية

Project(s):  High Resolution Historical Records of Trace Metals & Organic Pollutants from Sediments & Coral Reefs in Kuwait

Project code:  EM 051C

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Tidal flow and sediment conditions at the southwest corner of the shuwaikh port


KISR Report

Final Report

Subject(s):  Water quality. ,  Pollution. ,  Kuwait Bay. ,  Kuwait.

Project(s):  Tidal Flow & Sediment Conditions at the Southwest Corner of the Shuwaikh Port

Project code:  EC 007C

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