report(s) found: 1
Center: Food Resources and Marine Sciences Division x

Project title: A Study on Physiological Disorders of Tissue Cultured Date Palms in Kuwait x

A Study on Physiological disorders of tissue cultured date Palms in Kuwait ,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  sudhersan, Chellan.

Subject(s):  Plant tissue culture ,  Plant tissue culture ,  Palms ,  Palms ,  نخيل التمر ,  ميول التاج ,  تشوة قطعي ,  تشوة في النمو ,  ارنبسيس سابيلا ,  مبيدات حشرية ,  Date palm. ,  Crown bending. ,  'V' cut. ,  Front malformation. ,  Arenipses Sabella and insecticide.

Project(s):  A Study on Physiological Disorders of Tissue Cultured Date Palms in Kuwait

Project code:  FB 044G

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