report(s) found: 3
Center: Food Resources Division x

Project title: Application of RFLP Technology to Determine Trueness to Type of Tissue Culture Derived Data Palm x

Application of RELP technology to determine trueness to type of tissue culture derived date palm


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Salem, M.

Subject(s):  RFLP. Data palm. DNA probes.

Project(s):  Application of RFLP Technology to Determine Trueness to Type of Tissue Culture Derived Data Palm

Project code:  BT 42

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Application of AFLP / RAPD technology to determine trueness-to-type of tissue culture derived date palm


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Saleem, M.

Subject(s):  Date palm. Phoenix dactylifera L. Genetic markers. PAPD fingerprints. Trueness-to-type. DNA polymorphism.

Project(s):  Application of RFLP Technology to Determine Trueness to Type of Tissue Culture Derived Data Palm

Project code:  BT 42

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Application of RFLP technology to determine trueness to type of tissue culture derived data palm


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Saleem, M.

Subject(s):  RFLP. Data palm. DNA probes.

Project(s):  Application of RFLP Technology to Determine Trueness to Type of Tissue Culture Derived Data Palm

Project code:  BT 42

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