report(s) found: 2
Center: Food Resources Division x

Project title: Assessment of the Environmental Pollution of the Terrestrial Food Chain x

Assessment of the environmental pollution of the terrestrial food chain


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Baroon, Z.

Subject(s):  Environmental disaster. Oily pollutants. Aromatic polycyclic organic compounds. Heavy metals. Human health.

Project(s):  Assessment of the Environmental Pollution of the Terrestrial Food Chain

Project code:  FOOD 8

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Analysis of petroleum related pollutants on fruits and vegetables dislpayed in open market or grown locally during selected days of intense oil fire smoke


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Food Resources Division.

Subject(s):  Environmental pollution. Aromatic hydrocarbons. Trace and heavy metals. Food chain.

Project(s):  Assessment of the Environmental Pollution of the Terrestrial Food Chain

Project code:  FOOD 8

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