report(s) found: 6
Center: Food Resources Division x

Project title: Preliminary Assessment of the Desert Fauna of Kuwait x

Preliminary assessment of the desert fauna of Kuwait. Phase I


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Sdirawi, F. A.

Subject(s):  Kuwait desert. Desert fauna. Fauna distributional maps. Ecological studies. Mammalian fauna. Reptilian fauna. Bird fauna. Natural history collection. Taxonomical study. Taxidermy.

Project(s):  Preliminary Assessment of the Desert Fauna of Kuwait

Project code:  AG 50

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Review and assessment of information on desert fauna. Phase I


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Sdirawi, F. A.

Subject(s):  Bibliographical review of fauna. Status of wildlife in Arabia. Conservation of fauna. Mammals. Birds. Reptiles.

Project(s):  Preliminary Assessment of the Desert Fauna of Kuwait

Project code:  AG 50

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Conservation and protection of the wildlife of Kuwait, Phase I, Review and assessment of information on desert fauna


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Sdirawi, F. A.

Subject(s):  Kuwait desert. Fauna. Mammalian fauna. Bird fauna. Reptilia fauna. Bird fauna. Ecological studies. Natural history. Collection. Systimical lists.

Project(s):  Preliminary Assessment of the Desert Fauna of Kuwait

Project code:  AG 50

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Conservation and protection of the wildlife of Kuwait, Phase I, Review and assessment of information on desert fauna


KISR Report

Revised Proposal

Contributor(s):  Al-Sdirawi, F. A.

Subject(s):  Kuwait desert. Fauna. Mammalian fauna. Bird fauna. Reptilia fauna. Bird fauna. Ecological studies. Natural history. Collection. Systimical lists.

Project(s):  Preliminary Assessment of the Desert Fauna of Kuwait

Project code:  AG 50

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Conservation and protection of the wildlife of Kuwait, Phase 1, Preliminary assessment of the desert fauna of Kuwait


KISR Report

Revised Proposal

Contributor(s):  Al-Sdirawi, F. A.

Subject(s):  Kuwait desert. Desert fauna. Fauna distributional maps. Ecological studies. Mammalian fauna. Reptilian fauna. Bird fauna. Natural history collection. Taxonomical study. Taxidermy.

Project(s):  Preliminary Assessment of the Desert Fauna of Kuwait

Project code:  AG 50

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Conservation and protection of the wildlife in Kuwait, Phase 1, Review and assessment of information on desert fauna


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Sdirawi, F. A.

Subject(s):  Bibliographical review of fauna. Status of wildlife in Arabia. Conservation of fauna. Mammals. Birds and reptiles.

Project(s):  Preliminary Assessment of the Desert Fauna of Kuwait

Project code:  AG 50

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