report(s) found: 2
Center: Food Resources Division x

Project title: Strategic Framework and Master Plan for Fisheries Development x

Strategic framework and master plan for fisheries development


KISR Report

Interim Report No. 1.

Contributor(s):  Food Resources Division.

Subject(s):  Fisheries administration. Fisheries policy. Fisheries council.

Project(s):  Strategic Framework and Master Plan for Fisheries Development

Project code:  SPP 6A

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Strategic framework and master plan for fisheries development


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Food Resources Division.

Subject(s):  Fisheries (capture, aquaculture) strategy. Fisheries resources. Fisheries demand estimation. Fisheries technical problems. Fisheries public policies and control. Fisheries technical support. By-catch. Fish feed. Fisheries master plan.

Project(s):  Strategic Framework and Master Plan for Fisheries Development

Project code:  SPP 6A

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