report(s) found: 3
Center: Food Resources and Marine Sciences Division x

Project title: Culture of Zobaidy (Pampus Argenteus) in Kuwait: Phase I x

Culture of Zobaidy (pampus Argenteus) in Kuwait :


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 8

Contributor(s):  Almatar, S.

Subject(s):  Growth. ,  Diets. ,  Survival.

Project(s):  Culture of Zobaidy (Pampus Argenteus) in Kuwait: Phase I

Project code:  FM 016K

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The role of streptococcus agalactiae and temperature in the fish kill of mullet, liza klunzingeri in Kuwait Bay


KISR Report

Technical Report

Subject(s):  Streptococcus. ,  Agalactiae. ,  Mullet. ,  Experimental infection. ,  Kuwait Bay.

Project(s):  Culture of Zobaidy (Pampus Argenteus) in Kuwait: Phase I

Project code:  FM 016K

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Egg criteria as indicator measures for production of juvenile Zobaidy (Pampus Argenteus)


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  El-Dakourm Saleem.

Subject(s):  Fish culture ,  Fish culture ,  Zobaidy ,  Fish eggs ,  Egg quality. ,  Fish eggs.Viability. ,  Larval quality. ,  Fry production. ,  بويضات الأسماك. ,  نوعية البويضات. ,  نوعية اليرقات. ,  انتاج الصغر. ,  النشاط.

Project(s):  Culture of Zobaidy (Pampus Argenteus) in Kuwait: Phase I

Project code:  FM 016K

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