report(s) found: 1
Center: Petroleum, Petrochemicals and Materials Division x

Project title: Replacement of Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride with a Safe Solvent for the Determination of Saturates Content of Hydrocarbon Oils x

Replacement of benzene carbon tetrachloride with a safe solvent for the determination of saturates content of hydrocarbon oils


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Hameed, Z.

Subject(s):  Saturates. Aromatics. Separation. Chromatography. Diesel. Lube oil. Gas oil. Raffinates. Extracts. Columm chromatography.

Project(s):  Replacement of Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride with a Safe Solvent for the Determination of Saturates Content of Hydrocarbon Oils

Project code:  PET GEN

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