report(s) found: 489
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Effect of pore plugging on the catalyst deactivation and the performance evaluation of commercial ards catalyst


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Sairafi, S.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  catalyst ,  Oil ,  Fuel ,  Hydrodesulfurization. ,  Low sulfure oil. ,  Initial deactivation textural properties. ,  Activation energy. ,  نزع الكبريت بالهيدروجين. ,  وقود ذو محتوى كبريتي منخفض. ,  التثبيط الأولي. ,  الخصائص التركيبية. ,  طاقة التفعيل.

Project(s):  Effect of pore plugging on the catalyst deactivation and the performance evaluation of commercial ards catalyst

Project code:  PF 101K

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Consultancy services for failure investigation for joint operations, Wafra


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ravindranath, K.

Subject(s):  Corrosion ,  Materials ,  Investigation ,  Corrosion ,  تحقيقات الانهيار ,  التقييم المعدني ,  الأنهيار نتيجة التآكل ,  اختيار المواد ,  البنية الدقيقة ,  Failure investigation ,  Metallurgical evaluation ,  Corrosion Failure ,  Materials selection ,  Microstructure

Project(s):  Consultancy Services For Failure Investigation For Joint Operations, Wafra

Project code:  PP 177S

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Quantitative prediction of HDS reactivity of various middle distillates and their blends for production of clean diesel


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ma, X.

Subject(s):  Production ,  Diesel ,  Feeds ,  Temperatures ,  Hydrodesulfurization. ,  Reactivity. ,  Middle distillates. ,  Modeling. ,  Diesel. ,  ازالة الكبريت بالهيدروجين. ,  نواتج التقطير المتوسطة. ,  نموذج أداة محاكاة. ,  ديزل.

Project(s):  Quantitative prediction of HDS reactivity of various middle distillates and their blends for production of clean diesel

Project code:  PF 089K

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Development of a model for predicting hydrotreating reactivities of atmospheric residues and their blends


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Al Bazzaz, H.

Subject(s):  Chemical ,  petroleum ,  Crudes ,  Oil ,  Hydriprocessing. ,  Chemical kinetics. ,  Correlation. ,  Mathematical method. ,  المعالجة الهيدروجينية. ,  الحركية الكيميائية. ,  الأرتباط. ,  الطريقة الرياضية.

Project(s):  Development of a model for predicting hydrotreating reactivities of atmospheric residues and their blends

Project code:  PF 109K

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Investigating the tendency boundaries of solvent deasphalting of Kuwait petroleum vacuum residues using normal heptane


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Tarkait, F.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  petroleum ,  Carbon ,  Crude ,  Solvent deasphating. ,  Normal Heptane. ,  Light naphtha. ,  Vacuum filtration. ,  Deasphalted Oil. ,  Pitch. ,  ازالة الأسفلتين بالمذيب. ,  الهبتين العادي. ,  النافتا الخفيفة. ,  الفلتر الفراغية. ,  الجزء منزوع الأسفلتين. ,  المخلف الثقيل والصلب.

Project(s):  Investigating the tendency boundaries of solvent deasphalting of Kuwait petroleum vacuum residues using normal heptane

Project code:  PF 108K

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Influence of corrosion inhibitor on coated Carbon steel at sweet corrosion condition of CO²


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Farhan, A.

Subject(s):  Corrosion ,  Corrosion ,  Carbon steel ,  carbon steel ,  Corrosion ,  Carbon steel ,  inhibitors ,  Coating ,  CO²

Project(s):  Influence of corrosion inhibitor on coated Carbon steel at sweet corrosion condition of CO²

Project code:  PP 082K

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Comparative Study Between Predicted and Actual Crude Oil Assays for Kuwaiti Blends


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Mujaibel, M.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Asphaltene ,  Distillation ,  Crude Oil ,  Stability ,  Compatibility ,  Asphaltene ,  Distillation ,  Characterization ,  ثبات وأستقرار النفط ,  توافق مزيج النفوط ,  الاسفلتين ,  توصيف النفط

Project(s):  Comparative Study Between Predicted And Actual Crude Oil Assays For Kuwaiti Blends

Project code:  PF 119K

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Surfactant injection to enhance Oil recovery


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Alnaser, H.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Heavy oil ,  Heavy oil ,  Heavy oil ,  Water Injection ,  Steam injection ,  Lower fares formation ,  Enhance oil recovery ,  النفط الثقيل ,  الحقن بالماء ,  الحقن بالبخار ,  طبقة فارس السفلي ,  الأستخلاص المعزز للنفط

Project(s):  Surfactant Injection to Enhance Oil Recovery

Project code:  PP 011G

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Effect of Nano fillers cerium dioxide (CeO2) and silicon dioxide (SiO2) on the polystyrene photodegredation and UV resistivity


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Attar, F.

Subject(s):  UV ,  Polymerization ,  Calories ,  X ray ,  البوليسترين ,  مقاومة الأشعة ,  نانو CeO2 ,  نانو SiO2 ,  Polystyrene ,  Nano CeO2 ,  Nano SiO2 ,  UV resistance

Project(s):  Effect of Nano Fillers Cerium Dioxide (CeO2) and Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) on the Polystyrene Photodegredation and UV Resistivity

Project code:  PF 110K

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Investigating the role of Zeolite texture and acidity on cracking functionalities and the diffusion behavior


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Samhan, Meshal

Subject(s):  Zeolite ,  Zeolite ,  Catalysts ,  Catalysts ,  catalysts diffusion ,  zeolite ,  NMR ,  Si/Al ratio ,  Catalyst ,  الأنتشار المحفز ,  الزيوليت ,  الأمتصاص الأنتشاري ,  المواد الحفازة ,  التحليل الطيفي بالرنين المغناطيسي النوويا ,  مواد حفازة ذو SI/ALمحتوي

Project(s):  Investigating the Role of Zeolite Texture and Acidity on Cracking Functionalities and the Diffusion Behavior

Project code:  PF 113C

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Crude Assay management system to monitor refinery feedstock stability


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Rabiah, H.

Subject(s):  Crude ,  Crude ,  Oil ,  Oil ,  crude assay management system ,  crude oil distillation ,  predictive databases ,  blend stability model ,  petroleum products assessment on molecular level ,  نظام إدارة بيانات توصيف للنفط الخام ,  نموذج توافق مزيج النفط الخام ,  تقطير النفط ,  قاعدة بيانات تنبؤية ,  دراسة التركيب الجزئي لمشتقات النفط الخام

Project(s):  Crude Assay management system to monitor refinery feedstock stability

Project code:  PF 092C

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The effect of crevice corrosion on stress corrosion cracking stainless steel 321


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Azemi, R. M.

Subject(s):  Steel ,  Corrosion ,  Petroleum ,  Oil ,  Stress corrosion cracking (SCC). ,  Crevice corrosion. ,  Localized corrosion. ,  التاكلالتكسيريالأجهادي. ,  التاكلالشرخي. ,  التآكل الموضعي.

Project(s):  The effect of crevice corrosion on stress corrosion cracking stainless steel 321

Project code:  PP 006G

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